Defining: American Indian

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"American Indian" is one of few legal terms used to refer to Native people of the Americas (Turtle Island).

American Indian is a term developed by Christopher Columbus and other colonizers upon meeting Native peoples of the Caribbean and America. It turned into how the American government (as well as Canada and a few other countries), as well as non-Native people as a whole, refer to Native Americans.

Most Native Americans do not identify with this term, with many considering it a slur. This term is considered outdated, both because of its dark history and inaccuracy (many don't consider themselves "Indian" because they're not from India, and it doesn't reflect their tribal nation's community/culture/identity). Always ask before referring to a Native person, or Native Americans, this way.

Noting this, some people do use this term when referencing Native Americans of the USA (and sometimes a portion of Canada) only - this is because in many ways, we have distinctly different histories and experiences compared to Native Americans from Alaska, northern Canada, Mexico and South America. So, in many ways, this term is very specific to only some Native American people(s). However, as I said above, always ask before using this term, because it is considered offensive by a majority of Native people.

Also defined as: "a member of any of the indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America, especially those indigenous to what is now the continental US."

To learn more, watch this video from input by these named Native American people:

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