Defining: Ndn

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Ndn is a shortened way that many American Indian folks write Indian, similar to how Black people might write "Blk" or how white is written as "yt."

However, many people who identify as Ndn prefer non-native people to write it as Indian. Additionally, not every Native American likes being called "Indian" because many consider it a slur, so always ask how a Native person identifies before assuming. (Remember: Native Americans make up hundreds of independent nations, communities and tribes. You wouldn't call a German person Irish, would you?)

"Ndn" is typically written as "NDN" or "ndn," but I (alongside many other fellow Natives) choose to write it as "Ndn" as an identifier.

Overall, "Ndn" is a way that many of us express who we are without attaching it to the slur "Indian" or as a way to use communal slang.

Are you Ndn? What does "Ndn" mean to you?

More about "Ndn" from an Indigenous perspective:

According to the official Dictionary, "NDN is a shortening of Native Indian. This is usually used by Native Americans in the United States to refer to themselves."

According to an article from Healthline, "This endonym, or self-designated identifier, is a shortened form of the word 'Indian,' as in 'American Indian.'" This article covers some brief origins which you can read here:

As identified in this same Healthline article:
"In a 2017 article for Real Life magazine, Lou Cornum explains:
"NDN is a subtraction made substantive, marking how terms made to describe Indigenous peoples are always lacking — indeed how we are made to lack and always feel lacking. But in the word's notes of subversion and irreverence, as well as its widespread use in forming digital collectives and connections, NDN also signals the ways in which NDNs build worlds even as ours are invaded and denigrated."

But, what about non-Indigenous people? This article highlights you too:
"If you're not Indigenous, you'll want to avoid using this term in reference to Indigenous people. Again, it's a form of self-identification, so using this term when you aren't Indigenous isn't appropriate."

Because the term "Ndn" is a sign of reclamation, it would be inappropriate for you to call someone Ndn (without permission). Remember, this is a reclamation of a literal, centuries-long-used, detrimental slur. Words have power! By using this term without permission, you are attempting to place your power over that of the Indigenous person's. Always ask before using (saying, writing, etc) the term, or identifying a Native American person this way!

Fun fact: "NDN" is also used as a nickname for a profound Indigenous leader in history. You can learn briefly about that in this article by Urban Dictionary:

Organizations with the usage of "Ndn:"

NDNation -

NDN Collective -


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