Thoughts Are Stupid!!

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Y/N Pov:

I am not looking forward to going to school here. School is a silly thing mortals need to do, who needs to learn math in such a boring way? In Hell, we use math to calculate how to beat each other up, much more fun. Or even history, isn't that what stories are for? I think Pip and Damien are lucky they are gonna miss out on going to school, but at the same time, they are picking up 9 to 5 jobs, Oh well, guess neither of us can win.

I walked downstairs for a snack while Pip made dinner. Elli walked into the kitchen shortly after I did, following me to the fridge as I grabbed one of those Yoplait yogurt cups. He tried to grab it out of my hand as I walked to grab a spoon but I bested him. I was used to this behavior from Elli, he has done this since we were kids. We are also the most rambunctiously crazy imps our age, even as teenagers.

I took my yogurt cup to my room, eating my quick snack while scrolling through my phone. As I was, I heard two voices outside my window, I peeked through the curtains to see. It was a boy with a blue and red puff ball beanie and black hair and the tall boy with red hair and a green hat. They seemed to just be talking on the sidewalk, being curious about what they were saying I listened in.

"So, when do you think those new kids are gonna start school?" The one in the puffball beanie asked. The tall boy thought momentarily, pacing in a small circle in the street as he thought. "You know, I don't really know... My guess is a Thursday or Monday." He said, turning to the kid in the beanie with a puffball. The boy nodded, looking straight at the red-haired mortal. "Kyle, don't you think it's odd this family shows up right after Cartman's death?" The kid asked, taking off his beanie to readjust it on his head. Kyle, the supposed name of the tall boy, thinks for a minute. "I mean... not really. We can't judge a book by its cover." He said, looking at the other boy. The one with a beanie sighed, getting up and putting a hand on Kyle's shoulder. "Look, how about we learn about them before we say anything we might regret." He said, Kyle nodded. I got called by someone to go downstairs and sighed. I left the window, walking out of my room before being flung at by a moving blur. The blur was Elli, attacking as he started to tickle me.

"God damn it, Elli!!" I giggled, pushing Elli off of me causing him to fall down the stairs. He fell down with a crash, causing me to cackle as Pip and Damien watched with concern. "... What the fuck is wrong with you two?" Damien asked, I shrugged my shoulders as Elli groaned in pain trying to get up. "I think you might have bruised my arm and my rib, other than that I'm ok," Elli breathily told us as Pip helped him up. I finished walking downstairs to put my dishes in the sink, throwing my trash as well. Pip soon piped up from the living room, "Oh Y/N, dinner's finished if you want a plate." I looked over at the stove to see some mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and a pan of steak fried chicken. I took a plate of some with me, thanking Pip on my way up the stairs. When in my room I closed the door, sitting at the desk Pip bought for my room. I ate as I looked over any and every notification I got on my phone. Looking at all the tags I had on my socials made my stomach hurt, I missed my friends. I push my plate aside and stare at the ceiling, wondering what I did for the being higher than God and Satan to punish me for what I had done.

Kyle's Pov:

I stared at the ceiling, thinking about what Stan had said earlier. We talked about that family, then Cartman's death, before he said something that suck in my head, "Kyle, do you think people will try to blame you?" When Stan asked me that I thought for a moment as my face started to contort into a look of worry. I now feel sick to my stomach as I try to think about anything but that conversation. I hear a soft knock on my door, when I open it I see Ike with a small frown on his face before he asks, "Kyle, are you still gonna hang out with me?"

I mumble a small shit before nodding, he smiled brightly and takes my hand, bringing me to his room. He sat me on his bed and handed me a controller, starting up Call of Duty. Ike sat next to me looking over at me before nudging my side. "Guess what? I got an A on that test I thought I was gonna flunk," he beamed proudly as we waited for the game to start up. I chuckled, "That's great Ike, anything else exciting happen today?" Ike thought for a moment, thinking back on his day. "Nope, did anything exciting happen to you?" he asked, looking over at me with curiosity. I let out a soft sigh before rambling, "Well, today two new kids came to the office, I think they were registering to go to my high school. There was a guy and a girl, she was kinda pretty. Then Stan and I hung out after school, talking about them and then the whole Cartman thing. Stan thinks I might be a suspect which I'm kinda worried about. But nonetheless, I'll just have to prove I'm innocent," I sighed, looking over at Ike to see him now lying on his stomach, clearly interested in something I said. "A girl? OooooOOooo," he mocked, smirking as he kicked his feet in the air. I let out a playful sigh and pushed his face away. Ike broke out into a contagious laughter, rolling over and howling with laughter. I started to laugh as well, our joy together filling the halls. We settled down and started playing the game, I wasn't fully focused on the game as I started to think about that girl again, damn it.

Woop woop guys!! I finally finished this chapter and this took too long. I promise I didn't abandon you guys but it takes way longer than I want to make these. So I'm gonna start sprinkling in short stories and world-building I've made explained. Also, I have made a Spotify playlist if anybody wants the link 👀. Anyways lovelies hope you enjoyed this chapter!!- ThatOneBimbo💖

You Can't Love Me (Kyle x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ