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Charles Leclerc

There was only one competition before the summer break. Budapest. After Kyara decided not to choose me or the child, I was pretty devastated. In other words, I fell apart. I had enough of everything, so when I got home I immediately drank two bottles of alcohol. I didn't tell anyone, I did it alone. After a while it was fine, I forgot everything, including what I am, who I am, why I am. After I could barely walk to the toilet, I decided that I had to call the girl one last time. I slowly walked to my room where I left my phone, and then I started dialing Kyara Wolff.

She didn't pick it up.

I tried again, and then again, and finally it worked.

Hallo?!  - she said with her sweet voice

- Kyara, I'm ...Charles - I said, stuttering

- Charles... - she sighed
- Why did you call me? -  asked

- Because of one last conversation ... - I tried to speak

- Charles, you are drunk! -  she screamed

- Maybe I am, but why do you care?

- Please stop! - she begged

- Sure, leave me alone. You are the most selfish woman in the world anyway - I said and hung up. I was stupid and now my heart hurt even worse.


4 days later I was on my way to Budapest. I took the usual flight to the airport, and when Carlos and I arrived at the airport, the crowd was also present. I was pretty pissed off so I decided not to go public. In addition, this will be the first tournament where Kyara will not officially be present and I will not be the only one who will have to get used to it.
I passed by the bustling crowd at the airport sitting in a black car. I couldn't wait to sit in the safety of the hotel again and drink a bottle of wine or something stronger.

- Charles, man, it's been a while! -  Pierre came to the reception desk when I was just picking up my key.

- 4 days, not so much! - I sighed

- You look pretty crazy! Is everything okay? - asked my friend, but I didn't want to look weak so I didn't answer

- You're on your way!  - I said then pushed him and started towards the elevator

- Fuck Leclerc! - said  Pierre.
- I know you have something wrong! - he said and I knew he was going to follow me to my room. That's how it happened, Pierre silently accompanied me to my room, then when I opened the door he came in with me.

- So will you tell me or do I have to guess what's wrong with you? By the way, could you also talk about the many empty alcohol bottles in your apartment?

- How...how do you know? - I wondered

- Arthur just sent a picture that your entire balcony is full of trash -  said Pierre and looked towards the door when there was a knock

- It must be the boys! -  he smiled. He wasn't even joking, because Lando, Daniel, George, Alex and Lewis appeared in my room in an instant.
I threw ghostly looks at my friend who arranged this. With a big sigh, I sat down on my bed, Lando sat in the armchair and took out the bag of food he was clutching in his pocket and started eating.

- Are you seriously going to eat here? -  I looked at him disapprovingly.

- Of course, I came to make the food better - he laughed, and the others started laughing too. I knew they wanted to help.

- How much have you been drinking in the last few days? - George asked

- Not much, 1-2 liters is not much -  I lied

- You drank more! Definetely! -  said Pierre

- Leave me alone! - I said, standing up and pushing my friend, who was caught by Alex

- Charles! - said Lewis
- If it's because of Kyara, forget her! She's not coming back! -  he said and squeezed my shoulder tightly. I knew he was right and that they only wanted good for me, but I needed air.

- Well. Sorry Pierre for the former! - I sighed and went towards the door

- Where are you going now? asked Lando?

- To walk.

- I was already in front of the hotel when I bumped into a person I didn't want to be with. I watched speechless for a while as he walked towards me.

- Hi Toto! -  I greeted the man first with a confident smile, it's true that I tried to look like that, that is, confident on the outside, while on the inside I didn't want to be here...

- I do not want to talk with you. I don't want to see you near Mercedes again! You will never be good enough for my daughter! I don't want to see you around her anymore! - the man said and then walked away, leaving me with my confused thoughts...


- So the situation is that serious ?! -  Pierre said when he listened to all my problems

- Yes, something must have happened. It's not possible that Kyara just left me here -  I sighed and looked at my friend

- Dude ! Women can't be understood, but you can't do this anymore. You need to stop abusing yourself, you need to do better in competitions. I want you to be the old Charles again!

- The old Charles is gone...

- But you only have that self deep down! But don't worry, I will help you.

- How do you want to help? -  I looked at him questioningly. Pierre just smiled and took out his phone.

- We are going to travel! Just the two of us, no girl company. - he said, and my eyes lit up. I watched in amazement as my friend tried to get me out of the situation that a girl with whom I had no real relationship had put me. She was just an adventure that came and went, but we still trusted each other. Maybe that's why missing Kyara hurts so much, and maybe that's why it hurts that she took something that was mine, something that we had in common.



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