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Kyara Wolff

- Kyara, I've only been thinking about you for the past 1 hour -  said Charles and pressed him against the wall.

- You're sweating, Charles -  I laughed, but I felt my face turn red.

- And so you don't like me?

- But! Very! - I swallowed hard, trying to control myself.

- Room 316 is my room. Come over after dinner -  Charles said and planted a kiss on my lips. He didn't even let me say a word, because when we finished he left. I walked back to the Mercedes with a smile on my face.

- Why are you grinning so much? - George asked

- Can't I be happy because we won today? - I can start offended, when the boy shrugged his shoulders

- Anyway, Lando was looking for you!  - he said, and he immediately got a bad feeling. I was so absorbed in myself that I didn't even notice that Lando and Daniel didn't finish in the top 10.

- Dad, I'll meet you at dinner, will that be okay? -  I asked my dad who was talking to Lewis. After a small nod from him, I immediately grabbed my bag, put on my hoodie and started running towards Mclaren. Luckily for me, Lando walked out the door just then.

- I'm sorry - I said and hugged her tightly.

- All shit! You don't even listen to me, I don't know what's wrong with you and I can't even perform in the competition.

- Well! Let's eat something at the hotel and talk, okay? - Lando's eyes lit up like a little boy and he immediately started to smile. I knew it was a good thing, except that I would be forced to tell him what was going on between me and Charles.


- So did it really happen? -Lando asked as he stuffed himself with a huge slice of pizza

- Yes, but I won't say more - I sighed.
- I'll see him again tonight, but please don't tell anyone. The others don't need to know yet - I said and looked at my phone.

- Kyara, before you go, I want to tell you something. - Lando Most began in a more serious tone

- I'm listening, Lando!

- But I'm only telling you because I love you and because if you want to be happy with Charles, you better know this too! - Lando continued.

- You're starting to scare me - I said

- Charles....So, he used to have alcohol problems. It wasn't rough, but you also know that we shouldn't drink alcohol during the competition season. So please watch him! - said Lando as I looked at him strangely

- How do you know this?

Pierre told me. And who clearly saw what Leclerc does when he is alone

- OK, I'll keep an eye on him. He'll be fine -  I stroked Lando's skin.
- Now you can go back to your own room. I'm busy!


I walked towards Charles' room. When I knocked, a boy with wet hair opened the door and had a bottle of wine in his hand. When I saw him, I immediately greeted him with a kiss, then I slammed the door and I was finally able to look at him. He was wearing a white T-shirt and dark blue pants. I immediately put my hand on his chest and ran my fingers through his hair with my other hand before Charles took my hand

- Let's drink the wine first - he said, and I looked at him strangely

- Let's do what we both know better first -  I said and bit his hot lips. Charles turned me over and we both fell into bed.

I woke up this morning with a headache. It was competition day, so whatever the time, I was sure to be late. I looked at my watch, it was 8 o'clock. I breathed a sigh of relief, because I still had enough time left to be ready by the time dad came to my room. I placed my hand on Charles's shirtless side and kissed his head.

- Good morning! - I said and smiled when I saw Charles' sleepy eyes.

- Good morning - he yawned. I climbed out of bed and put on my pants.

- I have to go - I said and picked up my phone

- So early? -  the boy asked in a grumpy voice

- Yes, you know I should be there at 10, 11 would be enough for you -  I sighed and walked out the door. As I closed the door behind me, a strange thought crossed my mind. Do I really want this?


1 month later

Norma sat on my couch while I paced up and down nervously. I could barely breathe. I thought about what I should do, but I couldn't think of anything meaningful. I didn't want to tell dad, so I just said that it would be better if I skip this weekend because I don't feel well, of course dad jumped on me immediately and wanted to help. He brought me soup and then sent me flowers. One night he hugged me for a long time, I could feel like a little girl again, but only as long as dad was with me. After he left me alone, all I could think of was what I should do now. Norma was trying to make me a drink when there was a knock on the door of our apartment in Austria, the door opened and Sussie entered. She looked at me, then took out 4 pregnancy tests from her bag.

- Go and do them! - she ordered, then sighed and hugged me. I started to cry, I was shaking when I went to the bathroom. I made them and we started waiting.
As time passed, the positive, two-line signal became more and more visible on all 4 tests. Norma couldn't speak, and I started to cry even more.

- Don't cry, everything will be fine! - Norma said

- No, everything will not be fine!

Fortunately, the race was in Austria this weekend, so when dad came home and Sussie put a plate of food in front of him, I decided to tell him what happened to me.

- And how was your day dad? Did the boys do well? -  I asked as I rummaged through my plate.

- Yes, Jack really enjoyed it too. I was most happy about that - dad said proudly

- I'm going to put Jack to bed -  said Sussie suddenly, getting up from the table. She planted a kiss on dad's mouth and disappeared

- I didn't even ask how you were -  said dad suddenly, then he looked at the flower on the other side of the table

- I'm pregnant! - I said quickly, before the meat fell out of my father's mouth.

- From whom? I mean, whatever, just tell Kyara everything!

- from Charles -  that was all I could moan out loud. Dad immediately stood up and went to get his phone. I knew what he was going to do.

- Please do not do it! - Iran after him
- Don't do something that wouldn't be good for your career -  I took my father's hand.

- Kyara! That bastard Leclerc did something to you that he shouldn't have done!

- I wanted all of this, too, minus the pregnancy. I'll talk to him tomorrow!

- No, you don't talk to him! Unless, this will be your last conversation! I don't want you two to be together again. I'll take you to the doctor on Monday, the best doctor, and until then do whatever you want, just leave Leclerc out of all this.

Lando, Daniel, Lewis, and Charles also left me tons of worried messages that evening. My cell phone kept ringing. I didn't know what to say to them. But I couldn't lie to anyone, nor did I have the strength to lie to anyone. Norma left in the evening, I told her not to share with her brother the information she found out today. She nodded almost immediately and pulled me into a hug.

I couldn't sleep that night. I didn't know how I was going to tell the boys and Charles. For sure, the media can't find out about this, so maybe I should go to the competition after all. So after asking my father's opinion, and of course on Sussie's advice, I decided to go to the Austrian Grand Prix. Little did I know at the time that this would be my last Grand Prix for a long, long time...


We'll soon be in the present!!!

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