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Kyara Wolff

- It all started when dad introduced me to Formula 1. That's when I saw you. At first I didn't feel anything, but as I was asked more and more to be more present in the media, everything changed. I was present, pictures were taken of me and I noticed that I am not perfect.

- Nobody is perfect -  said Charles, then he came closer to me and put his hand on my thigh

- Yepp, I know, but I wanted to be, that is, the media demanded of me. I was Toto Wolff's only daughter, I had to be the best. Then the months passed and I met a lot of girls in the Paddock, some of them were girlfriends of a pilot and they were such pretty women. Then I saw you and everything changed. I knew that what happened tonight was not going to happen just like that, so I started doing what you saw. I hate myself for it. Lewis also told me not to do it...

- ...wait, does Lewis know that? - the boy suddenly asked

- Of course, he recommended that I start therapy, and then dad found out, so I didn't even work for a few months because of it. Then I got better, and after you left me alone on Pierre's birthday, I realized that I will never be enough for you - I said, and then my eyes began to fill with tears. I felt terrible because of the truth, and because Charles now knew about this, he knew how dark my other side was.

- You know, Kyara. It doesn't affect anything, I feel good with you, but please stop this! You can't hurt yourself! So promise me you'll stop - Charles said, then leaned in and kissed me. His hot kiss made me smile. He took my hand and pulled me back into the bedroom with him. I slowly got into bed and could finally close my eyes to sleep next to Charles.

Charles was not with me in the morning. I turned with difficulty in bed, where everything smelled of Charles. I received a note on the bedside table that read:

I went for a run, eat what you want, you are my guest!


I  am smiling, I climbed out of bed and headed for the fridge. When I opened it, I found a few bottles of alcohol, a lot of vegetables and all the food that was at home. I made myself a smoothie, then opened the door to Charles' balcony and sat outside with a blanket. I was just reflecting on life, on what a great boy Charles is, almost perfect. I was startled by the ringing of my phone

Norma Gasly: ​​where are you all day? Weren't we supposed to go shopping together today?

Shit.... I completely forgot about the girl. I quickly wrote back, a sorry message, and then I started to complain. I was just as ready when Charles got home. Looking at his sweaty body, I remembered last night again. I breathed carefully about this

- Hi Charles! - I told him and planted a small kiss on his lips

- Good morning beautiful! - he told

- Charles, I have to go! I promised something Norma today!

- OK, but when will we meet again? I'm traveling to Silverstone this afternoon-  the boy said sadly

- I'll only go on Saturday, then! - I said and gave Charles a goodbye kiss and walked out the door. Now I have to tell Norma everything...


- Girl! - Norma hugged me
- You've been missing for the past 2 days - she said. We sat down on the terrace of the wonderful restaurant and I took the menu in front of me.

- I know. I had work to do - I said, and Norma started looking at me continuously

- You lie! I know there is a boy! -  she said, and I started laughing

- How do you know?! -  asked. I knew I was playing a dangerous game because I slept with my best friend's brother's best friend. I had no choice but to tell the truth.
- I spent the evening with Charles Leclerc -  I sighed.

- What? You are incredible! I thought it was just a rumor that they looked at each other like that...- said Norma

- It's not true, it was just one night, there won't be any more like it. Work comes first for me, Charles is also competing now. He wants to be world champion, Lewis also wants to be world champion. This is a difficult time for everyone -  I said.

- You lie! And then, you deserve to be in love! I don't want to hear this anymore. So eat now! -  Norma instructed.


I was walking on the Silverstone circuit when I heard a familiar voice. Lando, the local star, ran behind me, and when he got closer he hugged me.

- Nice to see you Kyara!  I heard you have something to tell me! - the boy said, and I frowned. Either I have to tell him what happened between me and Charles or I have to tell him what I told Lewis. Considering that I didn't want to tell him any of them, difficult moments followed in my life.

- So, tell me! - instructed the British

- I have nothing to say - I said and smiled at the crowd who screamed at the sight of Lando.

- You really didn't want to tell me that you weren't well? -  the boy started right in the middle of the story, and I rolled my eyes.

- I'll be fine! It was a one-off occasion, tell Lewis by the way that as you can see I'm in normal clothes today and not to worry - I said and placed a small kiss on the boy's head and went towards the Mercedes garage. After 1 hour, the Quali started, that is, father took his place, the boys and I put on headphones and now, exceptionally, I sat next to the management team next to the track. The cars' engines roared and the most exciting 1 hour of Saturday began. Lewis started the laps well, we were very fast. Dad smiled, everyone could see that we were doing well. We were so good that Lewis won first place in Q3 as well. Carlos became the 2nd and Charles only became the 5th. I was happy with the success of Mercedes

- It worked - dad said, then pulled him into a tight hug.
- First and third place, and tomorrow is the competition! -  he said and pressed a kiss on my cheek

- We will win - I said, looking for their son with my eyes. Lewis was giving an interview, the crowd shouted enthusiastically. And Charles was walking towards their garage in his helmet. As I saw him,  I didn't really care how many cameras would start taking us, but I went along with it.

- Charles! - I called, when the boy caught my eye. He was still wearing a helmet, but when he noticed better, he stopped and took it off. I have never seen a man as sexy as him in my life. My breath also stopped when he squeezed my hand and pulled me away where no one could see us.



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