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Kyara Wolff

I took some painkillers in the morning and then the Wolff family left. I sat next to Jack who was playing with his cars.

- Do you think Lewis will win today as well? - he asked with sparkling eyes

- Sure, I hope so! - I said smiling

- But Charles can win - he said quietly

- As you wish -  I said, then sighed.

The track was wet. A row of gray clouds gathered in the sky. We got out of the car, there were already a lot of paparazzi at the entrance. As I walked into the Paddock next to the others, Lewis walked up to us.

- Where were you yesterday?

- I wasn't well -  I said
- But I'm here today! - I smiled

- Are you okay Kyara? You know you can tell me everything -  the boy whispered in my ear.

- I know. But believe me, everything is fine!

- Really? - Lando also appeared. I just missed him...

- Of course! - I agreed again.

- It's like you're not telling us something - Lando said, then paused for a moment. Lewis followed them. Dad and the others were already far away from us. I just stared at the two boys.

- What else do you want from me? -  I asked, but then I suddenly felt dizzy and had to hold onto Lewis's arm

- KYARA WOLFF!  - Lando shouted as he helped Lewis hold me.

- Tell me what's happening to you right now! - they instructed.

- I'm just... pregnant -  I whispered as the two boys looked at each other

- Apparently Leclerc doesn't know the concept of a condom -  they laughed

- Shut up! I don't want to hear any of that. I have enough trouble without you

- You should rest! , said Lewis

- I think it's better to talk to Charles!, I grumbled to them

- And what do you want to tell him?  - Lewis asked

- I can't tell the truth. Unless I say I'm going to have an abortion.

- No! Out of the question! Leclerc would be sick of this! , said Lando

I had to act immediately, I knew the boys would never harm me, but rumors spread fast in a place like this. So dad and I made the best decision at the Mercedes team office. I must cease and desist from this world immediately. I will slowly disappear from the media and I will have to change my life from one day to the next...and this required one thing, Charles and I should not talk anymore. This is obviously the most painful for me, I have always felt something burning towards Charles, the fear of some kind of love, but it was never full love... it was just us and the bed


Charles and I sat by a huge glass window. It was all over and I knew it. He ordered for you, and then I did. When we were finally alone, I started my story

- Are you okay,  Kyara? - Charles asked before the glass of water almost fell out of my hand

- I'm pregnant! - I said barely audibly, but Charles heard. His eyes widened, he could hardly speak. We sat in silence for long minutes, and then he spoke

- How long have you known? I mean, you must have taken a test... - he said confusedly and I nodded.

- Yes but I was sure of it 2 days ago -  I sighed again.
- I don't want to keep the baby! - I said, looking for the boy's eyes. Charles looked at me, his eyes were beautiful and my God, this is the last time I will see them...

- You mean you want an abortion?

- Yes exactly . Dad serves this as the best, neither you nor I would be able to raise a child right now. A lot of trouble...

- I know Kyara! With a child there are many problems, many duties and now I should focus on racing! -  Charles said amid intense excitement. His hair was messy as always, but his outfit made me take him seriously.

- Charles! There was nothing between us yet. We talked once, maybe two thousand. But we didn't get really close...

- I am aware of the situation, but you are not aware that that baby is also my child!

- I know exactly, but we are still young! Charles! - I said and took the boy's hand. Meanwhile, our food arrived. The waiter did not dare to speak when he saw how much we were arguing together with the boy. I also thought it would be better if you didn't ask Charles for a picture together.

- I want the best for you, that's why I made a decision. - Charles' eyes widened, he didn't speak, he just started eating. I also started eating when the food was warm. After long minutes, we put down the cutlery and looked at each other again.

- Let's not look for each other anymore! I disappear from your life, you can easily disappear from mine too

- Kyara, you're not normal, what do you mean?

- I say to you that I had thought everything through with my father and was disappearing from the world of Formula 1 -  the boy started to laugh.

- Are you seriously kidding?! Are you obsessed with pilots, are your friends here and would you give them up for me?

- I'm sorry, but I think it's my decision, I have to make this and I've already decided -  I said and took out the price of the dinner from my wallet and put it on the table. I got up from the table, but when I was about to leave, Charles grabbed my hand

- I don't know why you do this, but don't forget that you will always be a special person in life. You won't be able to change the past! - he said and let go. I could barely contain my tears, but when I got into the blue Mclaren car, I finally felt safe

- How did it go? - asked Lando, who was sitting behind the wheel and waiting for me the whole time.

- Promise me you'll take care of hi. ! We broke each other's hearts and Charles will really get sick -  I sighed and started to cry

Lando took me to the airport, where my father's plane was already waiting for me along with the others. I immediately disappear from Austria, I want to escape, I want to get off the map for a while.

- You know you don't have to hide from me -  Lando said and I could see that he was also affected by the current situation

- I will write our new address! - I said and looked at my stomach.

- I'll be the best uncle -  Lando said as I laughed

- Lewis said the same thing!

- Then I will be the child's godfather, but promise me that you will take care of yourself!

- Of course, you promise that this will remain our secret and that you will visit us often! -  I said and hugged the boy. Lando nodded. I got out of the car, then slowly waved to the boy, then got on the plane. To my great surprise, everyone was asleep except Sussie. The woman was reading an article on her laptop, her left side holding Jack. When she saw me, she immediately smiled at me.

- So, how was the dinner?

- I don't know...I didn't want to do this to him -  I said with tears in my eyes

- Trust me, it will be the best. Charles is young and should not sacrifice his career for this. We will help you -  said the woman, then pressed a kiss on my forehead. The plane took off and we flew straight into my new life, which led us to Austria.

Of course, I didn't leave without saying goodbye. I was able to send my favorite chocolate to each boy in their bedroom, put a small letter next to it and tell everyone how much I love them and see you soon. Along with Lando, Daniel and Lewis were the only ones who knew the truth. After all, they were like my brothers...



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