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Kyara Wolff

- Why? Why  Austria is not good? -  and I got off the black bus while I was asking

- Because the whole family has to be there on Jack's school day on Wednesday, and you too - he said, and I sighed and accepted the situation that I would have to be around a bunch of pilots again.

- Hi little girl -  Lewis came over, shook hands with dad and winked at me
- I think we have something to talk about - he said, and the alarm went off in my brain

- I don't think there is -  I left for the plane

- Come on Kyara! You are 23 years old! You need someone in your life - said Lewis, who sat down directly next to me on the plane

- I think it's good to be alone -  I shrugged. Obviously, it was all a lie, because more than anything I wanted someone in my life like Sussie was in my father's life. I know that mother was father's first love, but after dad was left alone with me, Sussie was the one who made the sun shine again, there was brightness in our lives again. So yes, I also needed a person that I could unconditionally count on at any time, who was not the boys, not Lewis, Lando, or Daniel. Someone who isn't them.

- I think you're lying! I saw the way you and Charles looked at each other!

- Why bring him in again? I'm tired of it!  - I said, surprising even myself

- You know I talked to Lando...

- ...Just not him! Trust me I'm fine! - I said, then took out my phone and searched for some music

- And does Leclerc have anything to do with the fact that you're wearing an oversized top today? - asked Lewis, before the phone almost fell out of my hand. So he also knows... So everyone knows...

- N....No - I stammered, and he immediately turned away from me.

- You said you wouldn't do it again! Now, how will your dad look at you if he finds out that you threw up directly again?! Kyara! Bulimia is not a game! You promised not to start again! -  Lewis said offended. My eyes watered because he was right. I fooled myself, him, and everyone else. I'm sick again...

- Everything will be fine, I promise you - Lewis said and left the helicopter in a whisper. I smiled and then looked at myself. Do I really want this? No! Then why do I do it?
I didn't like breaks because then I always had to go home alone. But now it was good that I didn't have to go anywhere except for that school celebration

- Kyara! - my younger brother , Jack ,ran to me.

- Hey , you little boy! - I told him, then I hugged the little boy and immediately blew him up.
- where is your mom?

- I'm here Kyara - said Sussie and when I saw the woman I immediately hugged her too. I'll have to talk to her, I think she's the only one who can help

- It's good to see you again-  I told her, and she smiled and then planted a kiss on my forehead. Dad kissed Sussie on the lips, took Jack in his arms, and we started home.

- And how was the birthday party? - dad ans  Sussie asked after Jack had gone to sleep and we were the only adults left in our wonderful house. I loved this house with so many windows, I always found it romantic because of its big windows where you could see the sunset

- It was good -  I said, then opened the fridge and took out a bottle of wine.

- Is Lando or Daniel the better dancer? - asked Sussie

- Daniel is definitely better! But I didn't dance with any of them that night

- Who did my wonderful daughter dance with then? - dad asked when I stopped

- With nobody - I said suddenly, then looked at Sussie. She knew I was lying.

- It reminds me, you have to look at a dress I just bought, come let me show you! - said the woman, and I took a deep breath and started after her
- So? - she closed the door

- Charles is the reason for everything.. -  I said and let out the breath I was holding

- What happened between you and him?

- Nothing. That's the problem! I thought something would happen. All the signs pointed to this -  I said and the words just kept coming out of my mouth. Without thinking

- Then call him! - said Sussie, when I lost all interest in everything again.

- No, it's impossible!

- Then invite him to Jack's show! You couldn't have come alone!

- Yeah, I thought I'd call Lewis or Lando - bit the corner of my mouth

- Call him, not them! -  Sussie said and left the room

Charles Leclerc

I forgot what it's like to be attracted to someone. I forgot what it feels like to be safe. And Kyara Wolff was anything but safe. I was stupid, hurt.
I couldn't wait to take off my mask at home and be myself again. I can play music or just relax before training. After all, the work doesn't stop, and I have to work to beat Mercedes. It's been done once, it will be done again.
I put my cup on top of the piano, then sat down and started pressing the keys. It was wonderful, and then I continued. I loved playing the piano. I did the same thing just now, I put my phone down, turned on the video, and then started playing it, but after 20 seconds someone interrupted me. Kyara's name appeared on the screen. I didn't know what to do, but I picked it up anyway.

- Hallo? -  I said when I found myself facing the girl's shy voice

- Charles?

- Yes, you called me - I said and let out the air I had been holding in until now
- What do you want from me Kyara?

- I was just thinking... would you perhaps like to come with me to my younger brother's celebration tomorrow? -  the girl asked before I completely froze. I? Why me?

- What about the others? Are they coming too? - I asked back, Kyara sighed heavily into the phone

- I should have known you didn't want anything from just know Sussie said, and then...I don't even know why I'm telling you this. You don't have to come and it's done. I'd rather find someone if you've even raised this possibility!  - she said

- I didn't mean it -  I said, but by then it was too late. I was left alone.

I couldn't help thinking about Kyara that day, so I did a little research. I called a couple of friends and found out what time the celebration would be. That's why I was ready to see the girl who got into my head again tomorrow.
I uploaded the video to Instagram and then put my phone down on the table. The weather was beautiful, it was sunset, and I loved the sunset. It reminded me of the old days. For better times. As a result, I walked to the kitchen and took out a bottle of beer. Andrea forbade alcohol during the race, but today it was necessary. So I opened it, sat down on the chair on my balcony and started drinking...



TikTok: wattpadgirl.4

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