Chapter 24: Got Lucky This Time

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No One Pov:

It been almost a year and a half sense Izuku found out everything about tommy. He ended up joining tommy on being a vigilante when he learn that the people at UA wasn't going to let him even consider joining the hero course.

Izuku name was shadow as he was always in the shadow of his dream. Icarus and shadow would normally patrol on certain days together while other days Icarus will be the one patrolling and shadow was gathering information for Icarus.

They were an unstoppable team until the incident happen.

*Time Skip*

Icarus and Shadow were on portal together when they ran into some of the Hassaikai clan. Tommy was able to hold his ground and took some people out but Shadow was badly injured.

Icarus- Shadow your going to be ok I promise

Icarus was running on roof tops before stopping and laying shadow down when a scarf came and rap around Icarus.

Icarus- Let me the fuck go I need to heal him and your not going to help him.

Tommy Pov:

I didn't care about hiding my voice anymore. Eraserhead look shock because I sound young but I don't fucking care.

I pull my axe of peace out and cut the scarf before running to shadow aid

Eraserhead- You sound so young

Icarus- Ya so? You hero's never cared

I then pull out my wings. Eraserhead got into a fighting/running stands just in case I flew off or attack him. I didn't do ether instead I trap on of my feathers and drop it on shadow making him glow.

The glow was able to heal all of his wounds and left no scar. I smile before coughing up a little bit of blood. Idiot I forgot about the poison and bullet wound.

Eraserhead- How did you-

Before I can answer him I started to cough even more before puking up more blood.

Eraserhead- Oh my gosh are you ok!?

Icarus- What do you think I just got poison by someone quirk and not only that I have a bullet in my shoulder and boy does it hurt a lot more. I think the bullet was suppose do eraser my quirk or something but that not going to work hehehe

Eraserhead- Kid you need to go to a hospital

Icarus- and what? Get caught new flash idiot if I get caught so does shadow and I am not going to let him get caught. He like my brother and only reason why he out here today is because you heroes fail him like you did to me *cough*

Eraseehead- Kid you need medical help

Icarus- No I don't all I need is milk and my tears then I will be fine goodnight eraserhead

I then grab shadow a flew off I felt myself getting weak but I was able to get away and head back to the cafe. I lay down shadow before running to get some milk for the poison to go away which it did.

Tommy- Gosh I am so tired welp I guess I should get change and wake up shadow so he can get change and we can head to bed.

Tommy- Izuku wake up you need to get change and then you CNA go to bed. I am not going to change you

Izuku- *slowly wakes up* ow tommy? Wha-what happen?

Tommy- You were almost killed but I was able to heal you. Eraserhead almost caught us though so we got lucky. Though he does know I am a kid and most likely had figured out you are a kid too

Izuku- Oh no that got good

Tommy- It isn't but come on you need to get change and we can head to bed alright?

Izuku- Alright but what are we going to do?

Tommy-  I'm not too sure yet I guess we stay low for a while or you can hack into the police base and see what they have on us

Izuku- I guess that can work

Tommy- But we are going to worry about it tomorrow alright

Izuku- Alright

Tommy- now go get change and head to bed. I am going to go to sleep now goodnight izuku

Izuku- Goodnight

I went down stares and head to the bathroom before pulling out the first aid kit. I'd didn't want izuku know I was hurt and it would make him sad so I just took the bullet out and my wound heal itself up.

I then put the bullet down right next to my bed before falling asleep. Man we got lucking this time but we need to be more careful the next.

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