Chpater 7: Almost Kidnap

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Tommy Pov:

Its been a few months since I came to this world. Working in the coffee shop wasn't so bad. I think the coffee shop is slowly becoming a Bakery by the number of new sweets hunk have been adding.

Hunk even started hiring. He higher a guy named Danny who seem to had the same problem as me. He told me that his parents kick him out because of his quirk and even told me that they tried to killed him multiple times over the years.

I felt sorry for him but Danny told me that he doing much better now since he move here which I was glad to hear.

*Time Skip*

It was another long night for me. I was closing up shop when I heard something or someone behind me. I wasn't really paying attention to who it was since I thought it was a raccoon which was kinda common to see.

Racoon seem to like me as hunk told me raccoon haven't been around in this area but when I started working there raccoons have started popping up left to right. I even started feeding them some of are leftover food before we take it to the homeless shelter.

When I started walking down the street though this guy seem to be following me and I started having a bad feeling about it.

When I turn the corner that when the guy grab me and put a cloth over my mouth. I tried to fight him but it was getting hard to stay awake.

As a last second thought, I pull out a my lucky rock I found on the ground one day from my inventory and hit him with it. He let out a huge screen before letting me go.

When I turn I saw it was an older man with gray hair. He was wearing black and was holding his arm.

???- you little brat I will make sure you pay for that

Tommy- Dude what the fuck? Why did you try to kidnap me? I didn't do anything to you

???- Maybe not but I was told to find a child for my buyer

Tommy- Buyer? Wait your the reason people have been going missing!?

???- Yes I am or at least one of the guys

Tommy-  You guys are monsters you know that?

???- It doesn't matter what you call us all we are doing is are job now get over here.

With that the guy lung at me I tried to run but when I did chains appear and had rap around me.

???- It seem you have fallen into my chain trap

Tommy- What is this?

???- Its my quirk called chain rap. I can chain someone and the more they move the harder it is for them to escape

With that the guy slowly walk up to me. I couldn't do anything but struggle but the more I struggle the harder it is to move. I started to give up hope when my memories had started coming back to me about the past.

Tommy Mind- I can't give up

I look in my inventory again hoping to find something and that is where I saw the axe of peace. I totally forgot I had this still. I pull the axe out and was able to cut threw the chains.

The guy look at me in shock but that is when I ran to him and knock him to the ground before putting the axe to his neck.

Tommy- You are coming with me. If you try anything I will kill you and make sure no one finds the body.

The guy look at me in shock but I pressed the axe to his neck

Tommy- God it?

???- *nods*

Tommy- Good

With that I took him back to the coffee shop where I called the police. When they Arrive they took the guy away and had ask me some questions.

Police officer- so what happen?

Tommy- I was walking home from a long day of working when this dude came from behind me and attack me. He was going to kidnap me and sell me off somewhere. He told me that a few guys including himself have been kidnapping people and selling them so I knock him off his feet and brought him here since I don't have a phone to call you guys.

Police Officer- I see well what you did will be put in self defense but pls be careful around here at night there have been a rise in villain and crime activity

Tommy- Really? Aren't hero's trying to stop that from happening?

Police officer- They are trying to stop this from happening but its hard to find information like this

Tommy- Aren't heroes suppose to protect the people? Why aren't there any night patrols around?

Police officers- There are some heroes that protect this city at night but they can't do this every night

Tommy- really now

Police Officer- anyways do you need a drive home?

Tommy- Oh no thank you I can just call my "Guardian" to come pick me up and besides I have to lock up again and I don't want to waste anymore of you guys time

Police officer- Ok then have a good night

Tommy- You too

When they left I couldn't help but think about what that dude said. I don't believe him as I haven't met any hero or even seen heroes patrolling around here what going on.

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