He lightly kissed on her thighs

Damian-"I cant do anything to u without consent"

He kept kissing on her thighs and rubbed on it she whimpered

Y-"I thought u already had my consent u took much dress off"

Damian-"u have to tell me:

Y-"you have my consent"

Damian-"to do what:

Y-"uhh please me and yourself"

Damian-"this is not about me this is about u"

Y-"i- to please me"

Damian-"in every way I come up with"

Y-"yes damian"

He rubbed harder

Damian-"in every position if I please"

Y-"damian I said yes and yes to everything else too"

Damian-"u don't wanna hear what everything else consists of"

Y-"not really no"

Damian-"ok your choice"

He pulled her underwear off

Damian-"oh its so cute"

Y-"did u just call it cute"

Damian-"its so pretty"

He rubbed in it and kissed it a few times

Y-"please stop teasing me"

Damian-"u wanna see"

Y-"show me later"

She went to touch it he popped her


Damian-"what do u think your doing"

Y-"your taking to long"

He stood up and laid on the bed

Damian-"come sit on my face"

She looked at him

Y-"your crazy"

Damian-"im absolutely psycho"

Y-"I am not doing that"

Damian-"yes u are"

Y-"are u trying to kill yourself"

Damian-"no I'm not in fact I've been called kinky for enjoying suffocation or like holding my breath when engaging in sexual activities"

Y-"...oh hell yeah your a kinky psychopath"

Damian-"thanks for the compliment"

Y-"oh my goodness"

She got up and got on top of him backwards

Y-"why am I doing this"

Damian-"because I told u to come here"

He bit his lip pulling on her

Y-"damian your gunna kill yourself"

Damian-"mch baby I'm not come here"

He pulled her up and was putting her on his face she caught herself

Y-"nope mm mm"

Damian-"baby please"

He pulled on her

Y-"omg your actually crazy Damian"

He pushed her leg making her loose her balance and making her sit

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