"Aang, she wrote this the day we left Ba Sing Se, that was weeks ago!"


All eyes were on the Avatar as he stood with his shoulders hunched together. "No...it's not true..."

"Oh Aang" Katara stood up and gave the boy a hug. Sokka and Toph soon joined, all of them with a knowing feeling that someone was missing from it.

Week 1:

I was supposed to be dead by now.

That was the only thing you could think as you snuck around the fire nation ship. For the last few days you have been destroying fire nation ships from the inside by killing each of the soldiers or throwing them over board. So far, you've taken down 13.

It started when one of the ships caught you the day you ran away. They were going to take you to Ozai, but you had other plans.

All these ships were heading out to Ba Sing Se to fully capture it. You could only hope the people inside were as safe as they could be. As you snapped the neck of a soldier without alerting the other one a few feet away, you wondered how Iroh was doing.

Soon, you finished with the captain, and the ship was finished. You could now move on to the next one. As you jumped off the boat with your glider, your hair went everywhere. It's grown a lot since the last time you cut it. You no long had curtain bangs, so nothing was hiding your arrow. You like the length, so you would keep that but just cut some bangs to hide your arrow.

So when you reached the next island, you walked into a shop, stole some scissors and hacked away at your hair until something came from it. It truely didn't look bad, it hid your arrow and bangs always suited your face.

As you threw your hair away, you heard your stomach roar for something to eat.

"Alright, alright, no need to practice a whale call." You scoffed to yourself as you walked out the bathroom, finding some place with food. You had money with you, but only enough for two more meals, so you would save it for that.

The only placed on the whole island with an open food place, was a mediocre sized building with loud, poly kind of music. When you walked in, everything screamed in your face for you to leave, the fire nation helmet that were just laying around were a big yell as well, but food was food.

You ordered and sat down as you waited, watching the woman who was singing. The people on the dance floor were moving in a very child unfriendly way. Some were leaving without the ability to keep their hand off the other person's body. You knew exactly what they were leaving upstairs to do. The nuns and monks told everyone a year before they would become of marriage age what happens on a wedding night, however, you assume in the last 100 years, people don't usually wait for wedding nights anymore.

Your food came, and you ate like a pig, finishing it quickly and chugging your drink to wash it down. A group of men looked displeased with you, so you burped loudly in their direction. As you patted your face down with a napkin, you couldn't help but notice the singer walking in your direction.

She had a little dress on that was riding up her leg and incredibly tight on her, you were surprised she could move. She was still singing as she danced in front of you, the people around the place cheering her on. With your jaw on the floor, she checked you out as she drew her fingers along the sleeves of your clothes. As she was finishing her song, she suddenly whipped her head down on you and started to violently make out with you. You were in utter shock.

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