Who Would Have Thought

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You been flying for the half the night and an entire day. You've been looking over many villages, peacefully watching over the world up high in the air with no one to stop you or tell you what to do. Aang, Katara, Sokk and Appa were safe in the Northern Water Tribe and you were free to spend the time wandering about.

To put it simply, you were also lost.

It was night, and you only just strayed away from a crew of fire-nation soldiers who look far to familiar. The faint memories of being board Prince Firecraker's ship came back, and just to make sure he wasn't up to anything, you traced their footsteps back to his infamous ship.

You watched as General Iroh walked by happily singing a tune. He seemed like a jolly old fella, not some man who almost took over Ba Sing Se. You held your air bending staff close to you as you walked around the pier.

It was so quiet out, you could hear people snoring from across the way. The moonlight was the only source of light, but that didn't stop you from seeing that Gang of pirates Katara stole a scroll off of. You watched in slight confusion as they snuck on the Prince Firecracker's ship and slightly moved around two barrels of something that surely couldn't be good.

As they opened a door, it creaked and made a loud noise, most likely alerting who was inside. You could only just make out the sounds of Zuko suspiciously checking around the ship from the pier, but you had to hide as the pirates were running down the steps, so you took to the sky, watching from above.

You flinched hard as the ship suddenly exploded, sending a massive gust of hot, steamy air in your direction. The heat of the flames was so great it started to burn through the delicate fabric in the air-bending staff.

"No!" You wailed as you watched one of the only pieces of your life start to disappear in flames. You went crashing down into the ocean before you, making you hold your breath. You squeezed the staff, holding on to its memory before you left it drift away in the ocean.

You swam up to the surface, gasping for air. You stared at the fire with wide eyes. You had to move though, you couldn't stay here for much longer. This was fire nation territory and you only had your feet to take you away.

You pushed yourself through the water, moving as fast as you could, but you had to stop at the overturned body in front of you. You quickly flipped it over, seeing the face of Zuko in front of you. You gently let go, about to swim away.

You glanced back at the fire and slowly looking over at the unconscious boy. You hit the water in anger before you started to swim back to Firecracker, pulling him along with you. As you got closer to the shore, your shoulder was starting to get in heavy pain. You didn't really get a good look at it until your feet hit the sand back and you were dragging the fire nation Prince along the water.

Your shoulder had a piece of timber piercing straight through it. You shudder at it, but you couldn't focus on that right now. But trying to ignore it only made it hurt more. You were now dragging the Prince on the sand, trying to get him entirely out of the water. His shins were still in the water as you collapsed to the ground.

Not only was it the timber going through your shoulder, but the lack of sleep that was getting to you. You cried out in pain s you had to use both your arm to get the Prince out of the water. You finally got the dumb bastard out the water, but he had many bruises on his face. You bent over, turning your head sideways to hear his heartbeat. You sighed, hearing it.

"Prince Zuko!" A voice called out.

You jumped away from him and spun around to see General Iroh run up to you, you were about to get in a fight stance, but he ran right past you, going straight for Zuko. You watched as he frantically checked his body.

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