Party Hardy

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"Gone?! What do you mean she's gone!? Gone where?!" Aang yelled in disbelief as Katara told him where y/n was.

"We don't know." She couldn't look him in the eye, she just had her eye on the book she left behind. "She threw this at us before she left and...from reading it, she meant it."

Aang quickly took the book, and opened it. He constantly see y/n with this exact book in her hands, writing in it all the time. He was forever curious, but he didn't dare to look through her stuff.

...anyways, Appa took the four of us to the air temple today. Those two water tribe siblings were right, there is a war and it ended everything to do with Air-Nomad's. My culture and everything I know is gone. All that's left is me, Aang, Appa and a little lemur we found. (We named him Momo). 

I'd hate to say it, but, I'm almost relieved. The monks and nuns were on my ass for weeks, they wanted to banish me. I'd be the first banish nomad in history. They tell me I'm a 'waste of potential' and a 'threat to their peaceful home', but I only protected myself from harm. This world is cruel...

"I...I never knew the monks wanted to banish her. She never told me about any of this..." Aang says, looking up at Katara.

"She never told any of us." Sokka sighs, looking out across the waters edge. "We all read what she did to almost get a banishment...what that guy did to her was sickening, but that was only the start of it all."

Aang read on, following lines of y/n blaming herself for things she had no control over, blaming herself for every tiny flaw in life. Aang felt stupid when he read how every time, without fail, somehow he always forgets her.

"They read it aloud..." Toph says, in the corner of the room. "We didn't appreciate her enough, and now she's gone."

"No, we have to get her back, she'll come back-" Aang closed the book and looked determined, but Katara picked it up again and flipped through it.

"I really don't think she wants to come back." She turned the page around and gave it to Aang.

I did it again. And this time, I fucked up. Azula and all of the Dai Lee were trying to kill Aang and Katara, no matter what I did, more just kept coming. And Zuko, don't even get me started on that traitor, he's chosen his side, I don't care for him anymore.

And I won't. I can't.

Aang died tonight. His heart stopped, he wasn't moving nor breathing, he was gone. And I couldn't do anything. Katara saved his life, and for that I will forever be grateful. Even as I'm writing this I can see how much pain he's in, just sleeping. I watched him fall, I watched his get struck by a bolt of lightning and I stood on the ground, useless.

I can't do it anymore. He's just a 12 year old kid with the weight of the world and a huge war on his back, and I can't bring him down to my level. Which is why I'm leaving. I'm leaving and I'm not coming back.

I'll go far away, for enough where I won't bother anyone. I not even meant to be alive, by pure luck I went on that secret night-time flight with Aang and Appa and just happened to make it out alive. When I'm far away, I'll do what I was meant to do all those years ago.

I'm going to do everyone a favour, and just die already.

"What!?" Aang never stood up so fast in his life. "No! Wait, maybe we can stop her, no this is fake!"


"No! She's not just some random girl who got lucky enough to look after me, she my sister! Biological or not, she's been there for me for almost my whole life! She's done everything for me! I'm the Avatar and I'm meant to save people! I can save her!"

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