Bon Voyage

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I apologise for skipping so much, but there was so much stuff without Zuko and the Gaang, so I kinda needed to skip ahead to those bits, sorry in advance, the writing is rushed.

Over the past few weeks, Aang, Katara and Asoka have been getting themselves in all sorts of trouble, meaning you were dragged along with it. First, you regrouped with Bumi as he is now the king of the Earth Kingdom apparently. 

Then you got captured by some fire benders in another Earth Kingdom village because Katara didn't know how to greet people, so you then later freed a bunch of imprisoned Earth Kingdom people, so that's good. And then durning the winter solstice, Sokka and Aang kinda disappeared into the spirit world, and then Aang met the Avatar before him, blah blah blah, some end of the world type shit, blah blah blah, Prince Firecracker was being a bitch again, blah blah blah.

Aang was trying to learn some water bending tricks, but with what Katara knew, there wasn't much so Katara in question stole a scroll off some pirates who then tried to kill us with Prince Firecracker. Then Katara was swooned by some crazy guy named Jet who almost killed a whole village. Then helped two villages of people cross a canyon because Aang couldn't help himself and so on and so on. Oh- Zuko also saving you and Aang's asses for some reason you couldn't quite tell.

Eventually, you, Aang, Katara and Sokka were flying on Appa's back, getting closer and closer to the North Pole. You were getting bored and even Momo stopped playing with you.

"I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly a little faster?" Sokka complained.

"I have an idea!" Aang whipped around, sassy mode on. "Why don't we all climb on your back and you fly us to the North Pole!?"

"I'd love to!" Sokka shook his butt. "Climb on everyone, Sokka express is ready for take off!"

"Oh god." You hit your head on Appa's saddle and mentally jumped off.

"Why don't we all calm down a little? We're all just a little tired and cranky for flying for two days straight." Katara spoke for the first time today.

"Don't remind me." Again you mentally jumped off.

"And for what? We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe, there is nothing up here." Sokka sighed, sinking into the back of Appa's saddle.

In that moment, something spat out of the water, making Aang grab the reins tightly and veer out of the way. You whipped your head around, trying to figure out what was coming at you, but you only found ice on the water. 

Aang couldn't control Appa, and the poor bison feel into the water, trapped by the ice. As sorry as you felt for Appa since he probably didn't like ice cold water very much, you stood up and held your arms out a small bit as you watched the boats sail in.

"Stay beh-" you turned your head, only to see Sokka, Katara and Aang hiding behind you, "they are only waterbendings, but just in case they've changed morals in the last hundred years."

"Who are you?!" A water bender called out,

"My name is Y/n! I am the protector of the Avatar!" You yelled back, so they could all hear you. "We're coming to your tribe so he can master water bending!"

"The Avatar has been missing for the last hundred years. We've heard he's come back, but you have to prove it!"

Aang was already on top of it. He started to air-bend, making some waterbenders stare in shock. "We come in peace, I only want to learn."

After convincing them, they started to lead you back to their tribe. You awed at the gate as they cracked it open, allowing you to pass through. As they lead through the cities, you laughed at how awestruck Sokka was by a white haired girl.

They welcomed you with a feast, their tribal leader was kind all of you, even Appa. They feed the bison with a weeks worth of food.

"Tonight!" He started. "We celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the southern water tribe, who have brought with them, someone very special, someone who many of us believed has disappeared from the world...The Avatar!" You nudged Aang as he grew a sheepish smile.

"We also celebrate my daughter's 16th birthday. Princess Yua is of marrying age!"

"Thank you father." The girl said before turning the rest of the people. "May the great ocean and spirits watch over us in these troubling times."

"Now, master Pakku and his students will perform."

You watched as an old man and two younger people started to water bend incredibly majestically. You feel Aang and Katara getting excited. You also had the unfortunate ability to hear very welll, so,you cringed at Sokka's really bad attempt at flirting with the princess.

As the leader found a place to stay for you and the others, you started to unpack your stuff. You firstly grabbed your air-bending staff as you were going to go fly out n your own for a bit.

"Alright, Aang you listen to me." You squared down in front of the young boy. "No funny business. You'll behave, okay? I'll be back before you know it."

"I know! Katara will be with me, you have nothing to worry about." Aang smiled at you.

You sighed before standing up tall again, looking at the group before going off, taking a little run off the ledge and out into the sky. 

You should have gone back.

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