Kidnapping The Blind Girl

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As you waited for Aang to finish his earth-bending lesson with a teacher, you ignored two boys who whistled at you. Sokka and Katara both gave them dirty looks, and you would forever thank them. Since you met Sokka, he's come so far in the world of feminism. Queen girlies shit.

"So what'd ya think?" Katara asked as Aang came out, getting rid of the dust and sand inside his ear.

"Eh, I don't think he's the one." Aang sighs.

"I think the Boulder is gonna win back his belt at rumble six." One of the boys that whistled at you walked out.

"He's gonna have to beat the best earth bender sin the world to get that championship!" His friend replies.

"Excuse me!" Aang was already interested. "But where might this championship be?"

"It's on the island of Nunya! Nunya business!" He really through the came up with something.

Sokka, however found it funny as he noted to himself to remember it. You rubbed Aang!a bald head.

"I got this, wait here." You winked at Katara before jogging off to find them. "Hey! Cuties!"

They both turned around, looking you up and down, smirking as if they were the shit. "Hey baby, what can we do for ya?"

"Oh, we'll, you know." You made a light gust of wind blow your hair in a perfect way to make yourself more appealing. "I was told that you know about a earth-bending well, I thought I should go with some...big, strong boys." You bit your lip as you looked at them. "Would you mind telling me where it is?"

"It's on Earth Rumble Sic!" They both yelled out simultaneously. "My name is-"

"I don't care." You dropped the act and raised your hands, setting the, both on poking piece of the roof by their underwear and using your bending to pull their shirt of their head and they hung upside down in an alley. "Have fun!"

You ran back to Aang. "Earth Rumble Sic, get your stuff ready, we're finding you an earth-bending master."

"You didn't!" Katara laughed,a shocked and excited look falling on her face.

"I 100% did!" You giggled with her. Both boys were oblivious to you.

"Now, the moment you all been waiting for.." the host said.

"For this to end?" You were excited to come, but this was just a big disappointment.

"The boulder vs the Blind Bandit!" Now you were interested. A girl who had to be younger than Aang, and seemingly blind held the earth-bending championship? She had to be Aamg's teacher.

"The boulder feel conflicted about fighting a young blind girl." The boulder was quite respectful apparently. You also like how he talk, brought you joy.

" Sounds to me like your scared, Boulder!" She teased him, and you were the only one that cheered.

"The boulder is over his conflicted feelings." The boulder got over it quickly. "And now he's ready to bury you, in a rock-a-lanche!"

"Whenever your ready, the pebble!" She smirked.

"Beat his ass!" You whooped, enjoying this more than getting your air-bending tattoos.

They both got prepared to fight. The Boulder made the first move, running towards her first, but before second step, she blended the earth to make him split. Every man in the arena hissed, feeling his pain. She knocked him out with ease, earning her championship. You cheered for her like hell.

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