To The Library

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As one sand-bender spat at Sokka's feet, you grimaced and spat back. Sokka smirked and made an 'L' on his forehead as you both walked into the tavern. You watched as the owner made some sort of mango drink for a customer.

Sokka happily walked towards the bar keeper. Aang was near him, but the man that ordered the drink had stepped in front of Aang.

"No worries, I clean off easy." Aang smiled and air-bended the juicy thing off, drying himself.

"Wait, you still got." You air bended on his bald head, taking the last of it off. "There."

"My, my, your both living relics!" The man smiled, and for once , someone didn't try and kill us when he saw Aang and you could air-bend.

"Thanks, we try." Aang smiled with closed eyes.

"Two air-no ads, right in front of me." He scratched his before bowing. You bowed back. "I'm professor Zang, head of Anthoprology at Ba Sing Se university, tell me."

He grabbed both you and Aang's hands, looking at your tattoo. You and the avatar shared a look. You couldn't be sure what Anthoprology was, but you think it had to do something with the study of humanity.

"Which of the air you hail from?"

"The Southern Temple." Aang had the same look on your face.

"I come from the Western."

"Oh! Wonderful!" He whipped out some measuring tool and started to measure your heads. "Oh, tell me, what the primary agricultural product of your people?"

"Uhh, are fruit pies an agricultural product?" Aang was unsure of what to say to the man.

"Yeah, is rice? We ate a lot of rice." You say, your mouth drooling at the thought of rice. "Goji berries, maybe."

"Oh, truly fascinating, that is one for the journal." He said as he took out a book from his bag and started to write in it. You shrugged at Aang.

"So professor, your obviously a well travelled guy, do you have a more current map, ours is a little dated." Sokka says, being smart in the moments of his recent stupidity.

"Certainly!" The professor happily gave you his map as he asked about the ink of your tattoos.

"What? No fire nation? Doesn't anybody have a good map of that place?" Sokka slumped back as Katara noted his trips into the desert.

Zang spoke about library or something, you weren't really listening, you had a brain freeze that was more important. Sokka was convinced that a map of the fire nation was in said library and now, you were taking professor over here to said said library.

Zang was overwhelmed by Appa when he saw him, he constantly asked the bison questions and got no answer.

You shook your head at the man as you started to make yourself a glider. For you, it was only a year or two ago, but in time, it was a hundred years ago when you made Aang's glider.  Every air-bender was taught to make them, but you wanted to make sure you got all the stuff before you started.

You carved into the wood small holes to let it extend forward and to tie the fabric in. You threaded in the wires and fabric, tightly making sure it'd stay put. By the time Sokka noticed something, you finished with the first wing.

Katara wasn't convinced, but after seeing a fox walk up the tower and into the window, Sokka figured out that it was the top of the library and the rest was hidden underground.

"Y/n, you coming?" Aang asked as he looked up at you.

"Nah, I still need to finish my glider -oh, but Sokka!" You turned to the boy. "If you find any books on fighting, borrow some for me."

"You got it." Boomerang boy stuck his thumbs up.

"Alright, we'll Toph, just stay with Y/n and Appa. We'll be back soon." Aang waved before he took a rope up to the window.

"What's up." Toph said to Appa, as the bison groaned. "What are you making again?"

"A glider. Can you feel that stick thing Aang holds?" You ask her and she nods. "We'll, mine burnt a while back, so I need to make another one."

"It burnt?" She repeated. "Was it the fire-nation?"

"..sort of."

Back to comfortable silence. Toph was the kind of girl where you could sit in silence and it would be cool. You carved into the glider small symbols of your home and it's meaning. As well as your name.

Toph asked Appa a few questions, and talk about how the sand was fuzzy to see with. You had finished with the final wing of the glider and you marvelled at it.

"Neat stuff in here." Toph said, and you turned around to see she was looking in your journal.

"Toph, don't know how to break it to you, but you can't read." You say, spoiling her joke.

"Ah, your no fun. Sokka would have fell for it." She ruffed, shoving your journal back into your satchel and throwing it over to you. You caught it with your air-bending and set it down gently. You stood up testing the glider.

"Toph, I'm just gonna test this, I'll be back in a few." You said as he waved her hands dismissing you and she went to lie down on Appa.

You took off into the sky, moving around in your glider and being happy with the results. It felt good to be back in the air? You twisted through the air and made sharp turn to test the glider. With a smile on your face, you circled back to the library, and your blood went cold. The library started to sink into the sand.

"Toph!" You yelled out her name. "The library is sinking!"

She reacted quickly, shoving her hands into the walls, trying to stop it. You landed right next to her, using air bending to blow it back up.

"Come one, come on!"

"Are you even doing anything?!" Toph yells at you.

"Yes! I- Appa!" Your pupils dilated as you saw sandbendeds sneak up on you. "Hey! Get away from him!"

"What's going on?!" Toph asks, turning her face towards you.

You watched as Appa and the sandbenders fought, but Appa was losing. "Sandbenders! They trying to take Appa, Toph can you-"

"Go, I can hold it!"

You ran towards Appa, blowing one of their sand-boat thins over. The sandbenders started to whip around bags with ropes tied to the ends and throw them over Appa. You blew one of the sandbenders far away and moved closer to the bison.

"Yip yip! Appa! Move! Yip yip-" you felt your hair be grabbed and pulled back. As you were forced to be bent backwards, you felt one of the sandbenders chop your throat, making you gasp for breath.

You blew him away. And clapped your hands together, running them along your arms and making fists as you turned your hands.

"Get her!" One of them yelled. You could feel your feet be swallowed by the sand, and a rope being quickly tied around your wrist.

"Appa! Appa, get out of here! Move, it'll be okay!" You yelled out, struggling to move in the sand. "Toph, get th-"

"What's wrong? What's happening!?" The blind girl struggled to see in the fuzzy visions she saw throughout the sand. She couldn't hear Y/n, but she heard the sounds of the sandbenders leaving. With a heavy heart, she faced back to the library, apologising thousands of times as she had to keep the library up.

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