"Loser has to take Loki's hair gel and deal with his wrath," Clint extended his hand for a handshake.

"Deal." Tony's eyes glinted as he smirked, "Better start planning your funeral now Katniss." The two shared an intense handshake with intense eye contact, and all Peter could do was stare.

"Can I be part of this deal?" Peter asked. He knew that Loki wouldn't kill him if he took his gel as the man loved Peter, although he would never admit it. Clint and Tony looked at him in confusion, "And can I add something that the loser has to do?"

"Um," Tony started, "Sure, go for it."

"The loser has to take me to see my aunt whenever I want," Peter grinned, "Doesn't matter what they're doing or what time it is: they have to take me."

"And if you're the loser?" Clint asked.

"Then I visit on everyone else's time," Peter said, "But I still have to see her regularly."

"Sure," Tony shrugged. He knew he wouldn't lose so he didn't really care.

"Last one to the common room has to eat a ghost pepper?" Clint asked before immediately running when Tony nodded. The two grown men ran down the hall, completely leaving Peter to fend for himself.


~Additional goofy story #1~

"Has anyone found any more side pieces?" Natasha asked as she sorted through the puzzle pieces, "We're missing some,"

"I've been trying to gather them but they seem to be missing," Peter stated dejectedly as he carefully looked at every piece.

"This is a new puzzle," Wanda whined, "How could we already be missing pieces?"

"Can you check under the table, Wanda?" Natasha asked as she looked around the table. Wanda nodded before crouching down, beginning to examine the carpet underneath them.

"What're you doing, Wanda?" Clint asked as he walked into the room.

"Trying to find the lost puzzle pieces," Wanda started to stand, grimacing when she hit her head on the corner of the table.

"Do you mean these pieces?" Clint asked, causing everyone to whip their heads toward him. Low-and-behold, there Clint stood with the puzzle pieces taped to his face.

"What are you doing?" Natasha asked, annoyance lacing every word.

"I don't know," Clint shrugged, picking off the pieces, "I just wanted to see if I could tape them to my face."

"Why?" Wanda asked exasperatedly, "And why would they not be able to?"

"I don't know," Clint, once again shrugged. This peaked Natasha's annoyance, causing her to pick up a chair and chuck it at him, throwing him to the ground.


~Additional goofy story #2~

"This clearly states that you owe me two-thousand dollars," Loki stated, "I had purchased a hotel, so, therefore, you owe me two thousand."

"That's not how it works-" Clint started, but was interrupted by Natasha.

"Yes, it is."

"Shut up."

"The rule book says, right here, that if you land on my property, then you owe me money. Then, since I have a hotel, I get even more." Loki persisted.

"Hey, man, can you just let it slide this once?" Clint practically begged.

"Does this mean you cannot pay?" Loki asked.

"No, well, please?" Clint asked again. "Just let me get past this one time?"

"From my understanding, if you cannot pay, then that means you lose." Loki raised an eyebrow.

"It's not even real money, why are you being so tenacious?" Clint groaned before giving Loki all his money and walking away from the table.


"Aw, dangit," Peter grimaced as he landed on Loki's property. "I don't have enough to pay you, so I guess I lose."

"It's quite alright, Peter," Loki began, "I will allow you to stay the night at my hotel for free, just this once."

"Really?" Peter's eyes lit up, "Thank you so much, Loki."

"You're kidding me right?" Clint spoke up, his jaw dropped and his eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.


~Additional goofy story #3~

"So," Steve began unsurely, "You're telling me that people write fake stories about us?"

"Yep," Peter grinned, "Some of them are really random, too."

"Random?" Bucky asked quietly.

"Yeah, see this fic?" Peter showed them his phone screen, "The author of this one made you two a couple."

"A cou-" Steve paused to clear his throat, "A couple? Me? And Bucky? That's ridiculous." A blush slowly crept along his cheeks.

"Right?" Peter laughed, "I mean, you too are both just great buds right?"

"Great buds," Bucky confirmed.

"Best pals," Steve continued.

"Brothers," Bucky ignored the heat growing on the back of his neck and the fronts of his cheeks.

"Roommates," Steve nodded, hiding his face from both Peter and Bucky.

"Anyway," Peter scrolled through his phone, oblivious to the two men's reactions, "Look at this one! You have tentacles in this, Mr. Rogers!"


Well, this is the end of this story.

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