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Peter POV

Waking up at six in the morning isn't fun. Especially if the night before you were being literally shot at. However, it is what it is in my life. I sighed as I made my way into my school building, hoping that today would go by quickly and easily. It wasn't the schoolwork I was worried about. No, it was my classmates: specifically "Flash" Eugene Thompson. As if on cue, I heard the annoying call of Flash.

"Hey, Penis Parker!" Flash yelled from down the hall. I rolled my eyes and continued to my locker, quickly grabbing all of the books that I would need for the first and second periods. "Don't ignore me dickface!" I felt my shoulder get roughly grabbed and I immediately winced. That's one of the spots that got literally penetrated with a bullet.

"What do you want Flash?" I asked, turning around towards the other teenager. Flash laughed like a dying hippopotamus and shoved the books in my arms to the ground. Classy move. Not.

"Go cry to your mommy!" Flash yelled and opened his mouth to say more. Here it comes. "Oh wait, you can't!" He began hysterically laughing as he walked away, presumably to his dick-head friends.

Every day was exactly the same. Wake up, go to school, deal with Flash's "your mom is dead lol" jokes, patrol, and sleep. Every. Single. Day. Don't get me wrong, I love school and I love patrol and heck: I love sleep. However, when the only interesting thing in your life is getting your bones broken, you get a little tired of the repetitive lifestyle. But woes me, first-world problems.

I walked into class, saying a quick 'hello' to Mrs. Wiltson, and sat down at my desk. Neither Ned nor MJ were in my first-period class, but it's fine. I always manage. After about fifteen minutes of mindlessly staring at the whiteboard as Mrs. Wiltson wrote formulas on it, I decided to pull my phone out. I stared at the messages that me and Mr/Ms Stranger exchanged. Maybe I should text them? No, I'm sure they have better things to do than talk to some random teenager... Yolo.


<Wait, how are you not Ned?

<He gave me his new number literally, like,

yesterday at lunch

:creepy stalker pedo

I'm just as confused as you kid.>

But I can say with confidence that I

am not Ned. >

How did you even message me?

I have several programs to prevent anyone

from texting me without my permission.>



<So that's why it was so hard to text you lol

<I just did some coding and voila, you received a

wonderful message from me :D

:creepy stalker pedo

So you're telling me a random child was able to override

my design..>

What have I come to..>



I am not a child thank you very much!

:creepy stalker pedo

Then how old are you?>


<I'm not telling a creepy stranger my age!

:creepy stalker pedo

I'll continue calling you a child until you

prove me otherwise.>


<Don't tempt me satan!!

<I'm 15

:creepy stalker pedo

Good god, I am talking to a child.>

Makes me feel even worse that you

were able to message me.>


<I am not a child.

<I'm a full-blown teenager>:[

:creepy stalker pedo

When you get to be my age, everyone

underneath the age of 25 seems like children.>


<Ok then how old are you??

:creepy stalker pedo



<I was right!!!!!!

<You are a creepy stalker pedophile!

:creepy stalker pedo

You're the one who messaged me first.>


<Yeah but you're still talking to me!!

:creepy stalker pedo

Okay, bye.>


<Wait nooo

<I'm sorry you're not a creepy stalker pedophile!

<Don't leave!! :'[

:creepy stalker pedo

Aren't you supposed to be in school?>


<I've already learned everything in this class

:creepy stalker pedo

What class are you in?>


<It's just advanced computer science

<Super-duper easy!!

Tony stared at his screen in impressment. Most fifteen-year-olds he's met barely manage to pass in computer science, let alone advanced computer science. He was even able to hack his way around his program. This kid was smart, but god, he should not be in contact with a random kid. What would the others think? Wait a second, didn't this kid mention getting shot yesterday, amongst other things??

:creepy stalker pedo

Did you go to the hospital?>


<Woops, gotta blast!

<Next period is gonna start soon

:creepy stalker pedo

Don't avoid the question kid.>


You're gonna give me grey hairs.>


Stay safe.>

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