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To say Natasha was anxious was an understatement; she was absolutely panicked. Earlier that night she had gone along her routine: climbing to the top of the usual rooftop that Peter hid on with pockets overflowing with snacks. However, when she reached the top, the boy was nowhere to be seen. Assuming he was just busy being Spiderman, Natasha sat down, immediately dumping the snacks that she had brought for Peter onto the floor.

However, when seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, and the boy still hadn't appeared, Natasha allowed herself to worry. Of course, the worry never went away, and immediately increased after she texted Peter. When she arrived to the roof to find herself alone, she never would've guessed it was because Peter was at the hospital. So, flashforward an hour or so, and here Natasha is tiredly trying to keep Tony from losing his shit.

"Shut up and listen to me," Natasha grips Tony's arm and pulls him away from the door, preventing him from leaving. "Let me explain."

"Why would I let you explain when I can just go talk to him myself?" Tony shrugged Nat's hand off his arm, immediately heading towards the exit again. When Natasha wrapped her arm around his throat, locking him into a headlock, Tony groaned. "Why are you being a pain?"

"He's already overwhelmed, Tony." Natasha pleaded as she tightened her hold on the man's throat, "Let him calm down and we'll talk more tomorrow."

"I'm freaking out, Natasha." Tony's voice shook, and Nat wasn't sure if it was from her choking him or from his overflowing emotions. "My kid," He paused, cleared his throat the best he could with an arm around him, and continued, "The kid just got back from the hospital and I have no idea why he was there in the first place."

"If you would just shut up and stop being a helicopter dad then I could explain," Natasha said exasperatedly. Tony continued struggling against her hold for a moment, but then stopped, causing Natasha to loosen her hold and sigh.

"Explain." Tony demanded, earning an eyeroll from the spy.

"He's not injured," She started but was immediately interrupted by Tony.

"Then why the hell was he at the hospital?" Tony's voice was loud and demanding, but Natasha could hear the unease hidden behind the fake anger. Taking a deep breath to keep her from snapping, Natasha continued.

"His aunt was badly injured," She stated slowly, "Officals aren't sure what happened yet, but they've already begun an investigation."

"His aunt?" Tony's eyes furrowed in confusion, his brain immediately sorting through all the possibilities of what may have happened. Natasha let go of the man, nodding her head when he looked back at her. Sighing, he rubbed his forehead with his palm in an attempt to soothe the incoming headache.

"She's in critical condition and I didn't want Peter to be by himself." Natasha continued, watching as Tony thought to himself. "So, I had Happy go retrieve him."

"Hang on," Tony stared at the wall in confusion, blinking mindlessly a few times, "How did you know he was at the hospital?"

"I asked what he was doing." She said simply, hoping he wouldn't pry much more.

"You just happened to ask him what he was doing right when he was going through crisis?" Tony raised an eyebrow, "And he didn't lie and actually told you?"

"No faith in your kid, hm?" Natasha teased, giving him a small smile, hoping he'd move on. However, he only stared at her. "Okay, fine. I may have known something was wrong, but I can't tell you how."

"And why is that?" Tony glared, causing Natasha to sigh.

"Because he doesn't know I know and it should be something he tells you himself." Natasha explained, watching as Pepper quickly entered the room, swiftly standing beside her husband.

"Is he in the guest house?" Pepper anxiously asked, loose hair from her ponytail grazing her cheek. Natasha slowly nodded, watching as she immediately left the room again.

"You're just going to let her go talk to him?" Tony asked, "But you won't let me?"

"Pepper and Peter know each other," Natasha said, quickly talking over Tony when he began complaining again. "They know each other in person. They've met as Pepper and Peter, not just through text."

"If he is who I think he is, and I'm pretty sure he is, then I've met him in person, too." Tony argued. "I've spent more time with him than all of you combined."

"But he knows you as Tony Stark, not as Antonio's Pizza." Natasha remarked, "If you went and saw him I'm pretty sure he'd combust."

"He wouldn't combust," Tony said, earning an eyebrow raise from Natasha. "Okay, fine. I admit he'd be startled, but wouldn't he be happy to see me?"

"It's not the right time, Tony." She gave him an exhausted look, "Let him settle in and come to terms with what happened before you go reveal your identity."

"Fine," He muttered, crossing his arms infront of his chest like an upset toddler. "But I'm going to see him as soon as possible."

"That's fine," Natasha sighed, "Just don't push him over the ledge, okay? He's having a rough few days."

"Yeah, yeah," Tony grumbled, "Whatever."

"I'm going to go talk with Happy. Can I trust that you won't do anything stupid?" Natasha cautiosly asked.

"God, go away." Tony rolled his eyes, already walking away from her. "I'm not five. You don't need to babysit me."

"Debatable." Natasha snickered as Tony lifted his hand to flip her off, watching as he turned the corner, leaving her field of vision.

Tony's hands were shaking, so he stuffed them into the pockets of his pants. His breathing was rapidly increasing, so he bit his lip to distract himself with the pain. His chest ached and he wasn't even sure why; he didn't have a heart. Tony had always been prone to anxiety attacks, even before he lost his heart, but it had been a while since he's experienced one. So, the sudden shock of overwhelming negative emotions immediately threatens to break him apart.

Entering his bedroom, he wobbly walked toward the large bay window, instantly landing his eyes on the guest house. While he couldn't see very well, he was positive he saw a figure in the window staring outside with anxiety ridden thoughts, much like Tony was. 



Happy New Year everyone!! I hope 2023 is kind to you all. If any of you have any new year resolutions, comment them here or dm me; I'm very interested in your goals and interests for this year <3 I don't really have a New Years resolution, but I am hoping to exercise more. I know, I know, that's very basic, but I'm currently weak af and want to be a muscle mommy /hj.  I'm also just really crossing my fingers that I get a glow up this year cause I don't think I can stand my appearance for much longer lmao. I'm gonna be 18 in 6 months and I still look 12.  I have no idea if it would ever happen, or if anyone would be interested, but if you want a "face reveal" let me know lmao. 

Anyways, tell me about you! It doesn't even have to be a resolution. Tell me about your holiday weekend, tell me about 2022 for you, tell me something you've been wanting to tell someone but haven't had anyone to tell. <3 Spill your guts if you want. If you have questions for me or this fanfic, go ahead and ask them, too. :] 

I'm currently in a major creative block right now (art, music, writing,  all of that good stuff) so I'm very sorry if this chapter was horrible. Im just trying to push through the block and get ideas and motivation again :]

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