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The pitter-patter of Peter's feet echoed off of the walls as he paced the length of the room, anxiety evident in every step. What the fuck did I just do? Peter mumbled incoherently under his breath as he fidgeted with the ends of his shirt sleeves, nervously picking at the loose threads, all while cursing at his idiocy. Mr. Stark was acting like he didn't know? But I thought for sure that Ms. Black Widow would've told him? Isn't that why he's here? Letting our a hearty groan, Peter forcefully massaged his neck in an attempt to loosen the knots he could feel were forming. He could vaguely hear Natasha and Tony speaking on the other side of the door, however, he was doing all he could to not allow himself to hear what they were saying. He did not want to hear Tony's disappointment.

"Kill me now," Peter defeatedly sighed, watching as the door swung open, revealing the two Avengers as well as a nurse. With a shrug of her shoulder, the nurse gestured for Peter to exit the room, presumably so that they could converse without potentially disturbing May. As soon as the door shut behind him, the nurse began ruffling through papers that she held on a clipboard.

"Well, Mr Parker," She pulled one paper from the bottom of the stack and placed it ontop. "Mr Stark and Ms Romanaff have been kind enough to offer you a place to stay."

"What?" Peter quickly questioned, glancing between all three adults nervously. The nurse ignored him, handing the clipboard into his hands along with a pen.

"They've already filled out their side of the paperwork, so all that's left is your signature of consent." The nurse stated, watching as Peter blankly stared at the paper in front of him. "Since you're still a minor, we wouldn't usually have to get your consent. However, since you're not related to those that are taking you in, it's required by law."

"Not to sound ungrateful," Peter paused, "But why can't I just stay at mine and May's apartment by myself?"

"If we knew how long your aunt would be under our care then we might've been able to consider allowing that." The nurse simply said.

"You don't know how long she'll be here?" Peter could feel his anxiety rapidly increasing again. "Is she going to be okay? What's going to happen to her?"

"Have you told the kid anything?" Tony interrupted, annoyance evident in his tone. The nurse shook her head, earning an eyeroll from Tony.

"He was in an unstable state when he first arrived," The nurse shrugged, "The doctor's felt it was an unwise decision to tell him."

"What's going on?" Peter's voice shook, causing him to pinch his skin in an attempt to calm himself down. "Is May okay?"

"Your aunt is fine, kid." Tony gave him a gentle pat on the back, "Don't worry."

"Then why don't they know how long she'll be here?" While Peter was still anxious, Tony's comfort did help a little bit.

"Due to some of her injuries she'll probably need to go through physical therapy," Tony paused, eyeing the nurse, urging her to explain better than he could. He may be a genius but he wasn't a doctor.

"Ms Parker's vocal chords were severely damaged during the attack, so, depending on how resilient she is, determines how long she'll be in our care." The nurse gave Peter a gentle smile, "But I can assure you that we'll do everything we can to help her recover quickly."

"So, until she's ready to come home, you'll be staying with us," Natasha spoke up, "Is that okay, Peter?"

"Um," Peter blinked repeatedly, unease undeniably present. What choice do I have? "Yes, that's okay. Thank you for taking care of me."

"And don't worry, you'll be allowed to come visit whenever you like." Tony paused in thought, "Unless its during school; you can't risk ruining your perfect GPA."

"Okay, thank you Mr Stark." Peter quietly said, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. "And thank you Ms Romanoff."

"Of course," They both spoke at the same time, earning a playful glare from each other.

"I'll ask Pepper to send a car to retrieve us," Tony quickly pulled his phone out, immediately typing away. "Fill out that paperwork, kid, so that we can go home as soon as possible." Peter nodded, immediately writing away, ignoring the shaking of his hands. A couple minutes went by when Peter noticed Tony still frantically typing on his phone.

"Is everything okay?" Peter cautiously asked, earning an unconvincing nod from Tony.

"Pepper's just chewing me apart," He sighed, "But it'll be fine, she'll forgive me."

"I don't know, Tony," Natasha smirked, "She's pretty pissed."

"It'll be fine," Tony said, sounding to be convincing himself more than Natasha. "She would've done the same thing if she was in my shoes."

"Right," Natasha snickered, "Whatever you say."

"Happy is on his way," Tony glanced toward Peter, "How's those papers goin'?"

"Fine," Peter whispered, focusing on not screwing up. He hated writing in pen. Pens meant that his mistakes were perminanent. It meant he'd have to completely restart just by making the simplest mistake. Whoever invented pens is definitely sadistic.

After a few minutes of Peter anxiously filling out his information and signing his consent, he was finally done. Natasha thankfully took it upon herself to bring the papers to the nurse, allowing Peter to calm down before they left the hospital. However, as soon as she returned, they were exiting the hospital through a back door and entering the car that had came for them. All three of them sat in the backseat, squishing Peter into the middle since he was the smallest (and youngest).

"So," Tony spoke after a minute of silence, "Would you be willing to answer some questions about the whole Spiderman thing?"

"Oh," Even though Peter knew it was coming, he was still startled by the question. "Yeah, sure. Um, I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities."

"Okay, great, thank you." Tony relaxed into his seat, "First question: What exactly are your 'powers'?"

"I'm not really sure what they are to be honest," Peter shrugged, "All I know is that I got bit by a radioactive spider and here we are."

"A radioactive spider?" Tony asked wearily. "Where on Earth did you find a radioactive spider?"

"There was a science excursion that my school did," Peter started, "I had noticed that one of the spiders was missing but I didn't think much of it." He paused, "But, then I got bit, so now it's something that I think a lot about now."

"Question Two:" Tony moved on, "What can you do with your abilities? What do your spider powers include?"

"Basic things like superstrength and increased healing," Peter paused in thought, "Also heightened senses and a faster reaction time."

"Also your spider sense and stickiness, right?" Natasha continued, earning a nod from Peter and startling Tony.

"How do you know that?" Tony narrowed his eyes as Natasha grinned.

"паук ребенок and I have already had this discussion, Stark." Natasha's grin broadened as Tony's glare became more extreme.

"When did you do that?" Tony asked, annoyance evident in his tone.

"Little Peter and I have hung out plenty of times before now," Natasha wrapped her arm around Peter's shoulders, "Isn't that right, Petey?"

"Um, yes." Peter tensely confirmed. "Ms Romanoff would accompany me during my patrols sometimes."

"Jesus, Nat," Tony cursed underneath his breath, "You must really enjoy keeping secrets from me."

"Yes, very much so." Natasha gave Peter a playful wink, smiling gently when she noticed Peter muffle a snicker.

"Okay, well," Tony exhaled, "That's all of my questions for now."

"Okay, and once again, thank you for taking me in." Peter fiddled with his fingers. "I genuinely really appreciate it, Mr Stark."

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Tony?" Tony sighed exasperatedly. "It's just a name."

"Okay," Peter paused, "Thank you, Tony."

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