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At some point Peter had fallen asleep, head resting on the window and his body curled as small as he could, dreaming of anything and everything, both good and bad. It wasn't until a soft knock resonated through the room that he woke up, immediately confused on where he was.

"Peter, can I come in?" A feminine voice softly cooed, the doorknob hesitantly shaking while waiting for a response. A moment of silence went by as Peter stared at the door, a disoriented expression on his face.

"Um," Peter's voice cracked, causing him to clear his throat as he sat up and looked around his surroundings. Adjusting his hair, Peter spoke up again, his voice slightly more steady than before. "Yes, you can come in."

Slowly, the door creaked open, and Pepper stepped through the threshold, a tray of food in her hands. She gave Peter a quick onceover as she walked towards the bed centered in the room, gently placing the tray on the mattress and giving Peter a small smile.

"Good morning, Peter." Pepper gave him a small wave, watching as his memories came back into place. Abruptly, Peter's eyebrows furrowed and he let out a choked sob, startling himself more than the woman. Pepper sat beside Peter on the baywindow, gently rubbing his back as he hunched forward in tears, his hands hiding his face from Pepper. "I know you're not feeling well, but I encourage you to eat something, okay?"

Peter shook his head in response, wanting to do just about anything other than eat. Pepper quietly sighed, giving Peter a firm pat on the back before standing up.

"It's not much, but I made you some waffles," Pepper glanced over the food, making sure Peter had everything he'd need. "There's towels and a change of clothes in the bathroom if you want to shower. If you need anything else just have Friday get me, okay?" Peter gave her a shaky nod, his head still cradled in his hands, and listened as Pepper left and closed the door behind her. Just as he thought he was alone, Pepper popped back into the room, her tone of voice serious, "Don't worry, we'll go see your aunt later, so right now you need to relax." Then she left once again.

Letting out a trembling breath, attempting to resist choking on tears, Peter looked towards where the food tray sat. A plate with two waffles sat ontop of each other, both of which were covered in nutella and whipped cream, sliced strawberries added on-top. Fighting back the urge to do mental math, Peter used his hands to pick up one of the strawberries, quickly swallowing it before his brain could refuse. After eating a couple more, Peter's eyes scanned the room in an attempt to find his jacket. Thankfully, It didn't take long for him to spot it layed out on a chair, somehow pristine and clean despite the previous night's affairs. Someone must've washed it for me.. Quickly walking towards his jacket, Peter immediately began anxiously rummaging through the pockets in search for something.

"Aha," Peter quietly proclaimed as he withdrew his spare webshooters. "I knew these would come in handy." Restraining the devices to his wrists, Peter threw on his jacket and walked towards the window, hoping to any gods above that they'd be easy to open. Seemingly, the gods heard his prayers, allowing the window to only have a simple latch keeping it shut. Carefully swinging the window open as far as it would allow, Peter swiftly leaped out, gracefully swinging himself away from the building. The hospital that May was in wasn't too far away, and hopefully Peter could get there without bystanders noticing him. Since he didn't have his mask, or any disguise at all, he had to be careful to avoid highly populated areas.

Peter was just a few miles away from his destination when he sensed someone following him, immediately causing his anxiety to sky-rocket. Glancing below him, he was able to briefly make out a cloaked figure hurrying through the crowds, rushing after him. Peter swung himself faster, changing his original route in hopes to shake off the unknown person. However, in his frantic attempt to get away, Peter wasn't able to prevent himself from swinging right into a building, causing him to plummet towards the ground. He probably could've caught himself, however, he was honestly too tired to try. So, he allowed himself to fall toward the cement below. As he felt the presence of the ground get closer, he failed to sense the person carefully catching him midair, skillfully softening his fall.

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