Side Chapt: Inncorrect Quotes (I)

Start from the beginning


Bianka: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like... a lawyer to you. Ok?
Touya : Okay.
Alyssa : Touya ! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble.
Bianka, whispering: Deny everything.
Touya , loudly: That isn't a chair.


Touya : *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me?
Dehlia : I don't know. When are you going to ask me to?
Alyssa : And you just ran away?!
Touya : I didn't expect them to flirt back!


Alyssa : Touya , why is Bianka intruding on our cuddle time?
Bianka: Touya , why is Alyssa  intruding on our cuddle time?
Touya , in distress: Please… I have two hands…


Alyssa : You need a hobby.
Touya : I have a hobby!
Alyssa :: Hitting people isn't a hobby.


Bianka, to Touya : Look at you! All cute and small! I could just eat you up!
Touya : *proceeds to kick them in the shin and run away*
Alyssa , walking past: Rule number 1, don't call Touya  cute or small.


Touya : How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you?
Alyssa : Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now.
Alyssa : Would you like me to tutor you?
Bianka: That was smooth.


Bianka, excitedly: Heeyy!!
Alyssa : Hey, someone's excited.
Touya , deadpan: Yeah, and it's making me sick.


Bianka: I think Touya  is in trouble.
Alyssa : Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest.


Alyssa : You are irrationally angry 365 days a year.
Touya : Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues?
Bianka: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.


Alyssa : We all have our demons.
Bianka, grabbing Touya : This one’s mine!


Bianka: How is spring not everyone’s favorite season? The trees are PINK, guys!
Touya : Allergies are also a problem, y'know.
Bianka: But pink.
Alyssa : And it's hot.
Bianka: PINK!


Alyssa : Would you slap Bianka-
Touya : Yes.
Alyssa : I didn't even finish!
Touya : Sorry, continue.
Alyssa : Would you slap Bianka for 10 dollars?
Touya : I would do it for free.
Bianka: Rude...


Alyssa : Fun Fact! The average person will walk by 36 murderers in their lifetime.
Bianka: I like how this is a "fun" fact.
Touya : It's fun because they didn't decide to murder you.


Touya : Hey, Bianka you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform.
Bianka: Have you ever been to a mortuary?
Touya : Yea, my grandma lives there.
Alyssa : That is the worst response to that question.


Bianka: Where are my fucking keys?
Alyssa : Bianka, Touya  is around, can you say it a little nicer?
Bianka: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!


Bianka, rushing into the room: It’s terrible, just terrible! I am so upset!
Alyssa : Bianka, honey, sit down! Sweetheart, tell us all about it. Touya , would you get Bianka some water?
Touya : What are they gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank God, the water’s here!”?


Bianka: What would Alyssa  think?
Touya : Ok, that’s an interesting thought, but hear me out: what if… we ran an experiment where we spent the rest of our lives finding out what happened if we never told them?


Alyssa : Yo dumbass, get over here.
Bianka: Okay-
Touya : *gleefully runs past* I’m coming!
Bianka, sadly: I thought... I was dumbass...


They were just being a little silly today.

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