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Barcelona had won against Real Madrid once again and while the initial plan was for Camilla to be with Pedri in the stands the girl was not in sight

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Barcelona had won against Real Madrid once again and while the initial plan was for Camilla to be with Pedri in the stands the girl was not in sight. That was a few days back and there had been no news from the girl and Pedri was starting to go a little out of his mind. 

They had a break from La Liga for national teams to have matches of the EURO 2024 qualifying and while Pedri wasn't apart of the squad due to his injury, he was able to spend extra time dedicating to his recovery alongside the Barcelona medical department and while he was excited about it and hopeful of his comeback being soon, he didn't understand why he was asked to not worry about dates. 

There was always the possibility of their contract being close to over and that alone scared the boy more than he wanted to confess. He was an ass and lost a lot of time that he could've created a friendship at least with the girl, but now that he got to see all sides — or so he thought — of Milla he knew he had developed feelings and he also knew that if he wanted to have a chance of her reciprocating it would take effort and he couldn't put it in if they didn't see each other. 

The trip they took to her grandma's birthday was a water divisor to them, it was clear that whatever was bothering the girl before vanished and she wasn't tense or anything when he hugged her or puller her close, both in public and in private. He knew he was earning her back and now he had no idea where he stood with her. 

Luisa wasn't one to let Camilla off the hook when it came to her commitments with Pedri, but once she received a call from a crying Milla, she knew she needed to let the girl have some space, forcing her to go out that day or any of the following would only damage the situation and would be too much effort from the girl. She knew her birthday getting close could cause situations like this, she just wasn't expecting another one of these, she didn't have them in years. 

Camilla had a love hate relationship with her birthday. Her family stopped celebrating or at least doing it in person once she turned 12 and since then the only appreciation she gets from her parents is nice expensive gifts and a short phone call or text message. Her friends in the other hand always tries to make the best out of the day and for that she's always been grateful, the thing is that whenever she gets hope for something, it's usually destroyed soon. Specially if her parents are involved. 

Her parents had told her months back that they would be present on her birthday that year, that came after she accidentally spilled that she would love and appreciate their presence on that day, she was excited and had it all planned to spend it with them only until they ruined it. 

It's not nice to receive a simple text message from your dad informing that they won't be able to make it to your birthday or a date close to it due to other plans, and while she knew they would only spend two days in town, learning that the reason why they no longer were going to was to attend an event from her ex-boyfriend's family destroyed any chance of her understanding. 

Carlos and her dated for a while and it ended with her heart being broken after finding him in bed with another girl, days after he had convinced her to lose her virginity to him. It was even worst to know that she would still have to see the boy considering that their families done business together. 

It didn't make sense to her even why her parents still maintained the relationship with them, if it was her in their place she would've dropped anything, no money was worth it. She had no interest in seeing him and his new girlfriend, the same one that he cheated on her with, and she hated that her parents were ditching her for them. Even if indirectly. 

There were only two people capable of making her mental health fall into crumbles and they were her own parents. 

She knew how to deal with it, but instead of doing the correct thing she simply shut down. 

She loved her friends, she knew they would've been there for her in a heartbeat, but there was no way she was making the boys come back from Madrid after they shared how excited they were for the business opportunity they got there, they also wanted to be successful without their parents and they were on their way to accomplish, she was not calling them. 

Nanda was the one she ended up thinking about it, but it was soon shut down after she saw her best friend sharing pictures of Sevilla with her, remembering that she went there as a trip of her internship, she knew Nanda was trying to prove a point with this job and she wasn't about to distract her. 

Pedri crossed her mind sometimes but while they had an amazing time in the trip and she definitely had allowed her walls to come down around the footballer, the words she had heard come out of his mouth months ago still hunted her thoughts and that made her disregard the idea of reaching out for him. 

That left her alone in her apartment with sadness taking all over, she had no idea if she would've preferred it to be the anger, but even if she did, that lasted less than she was expecting.

— Luisa, with all the respect I'm going a little bit crazy and trying to be respectful asking you, but if you don't tell me I'll go to her apartment regardless and find out. — Pedri spoke to Luisa

He was tired. He had contacted Tomas and requested to meet with Luisa, now the three of them were seating down at Tomas living room.  

— Look, her birthday is coming up and it's a hard time for her since her parents don't care. They promised to come and they told her they aren't coming due to an event that her ex-boyfriend's family is throwing — Luisa explained with a sight to both man in front of her 

— He cheated on her and currently dates the same girl that he did it with, she doesn't like that her family still has ties with him but she accepted due to business, but she now feels that she was put to the end of their priorities since they ditched her birthday for something that they do all the time. 

— When she goes into these not so nice moments mentally you need to give her space. I'm close to her but I've learned that I don't have a relationship capable of fixing it or helping with it because being around me reminds her of her work and then it gets worst because she feels like a failure for not doing it. — Luisa continued explaining seeing the shift in the footballers expressions

— Her friends are all out of town and she told me specifically to not tell them — Luisa said and breathed deeply before sharing the bit of information that she didn't want to — She thought about reaching out to you a few times, but she wanted you to focus on your injury and some other reason she didn't share with me 

— Luisa, I'm warning you right now, I'm going to her place right after I leave. I just need to know if you want me to pretend to be oblivious for most of what you told me or if I can be honest. I don't want to get you in trouble, but I'm sure as hell not ignoring it. — He said serious while looking at the woman in front of him 

— You can do whatever you feel like is best, just analyze the situation for at least a few seconds after arriving there. 

His gut feeling was right. There was something wrong. 

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