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"She's just another rich spoiled brat"

"Out of every single girl in Barcelona you could make me fake date, had to be someone like her?"

"She's just vain, mate"

it hurt.

Camilla knew she wasn't Pedri's favourite person to exist, but she just thought he was closed off to new people, but again, just her being way too innocent and not realizing the actual situation. She was the issue. She was always the issue. 

It made sense, if even her parents who technically should have the obligation of spending time with her didn't really want to, why would someone who was forced by a contract? 

The 19 year old girl couldn't even walk through that door after hearing those things, she left the house as quick as she had entered, she knew Luisa would tell her off for it, she was supposed to be there with everyone in Pedri's life in Barcelona, but she was terrible at faking when she didn't digest and she had no right to confront him. It was his opinion, she couldn't change it.

It had been a week since, Luisa had argued with her over it more times than she could count, she heard it once again after not attending the Barcelona game, this time she was able to excuse herself due to some sickness bug that had actually caught up to her, but she knew it wasn't as bad as the first day so she would have to start playing girlfriend once again. 

She was nervous to meet up with the footballer, she was terrible at lying and pretending to be fine with her feelings or a situation, but truth be told, in these two months there was no way he would be able to figure it out, that was the only thing keeping her calm while she got ready to be picked up by him.

They were supposed to play couple, a dinner date in one of the best Italian restaurants in Barcelona, one of Camilla's favourites, but the last thing she wanted to do was eat, she was so nervous she felt like the food would come back just as quick as she went in. 

— Good night — She said once she stepped inside his car

— Night, you feeling better? — He asked and she simply nodded watching how he nodded himself and drove off

The lack of conversation attempts from the girl caught Pedri by surprise, in his brain, the reason behind it was her sickness, she wasn't fully recovered yet and that was the reason for the bluntness coming from the girl.

The drive to the restaurant took some decent time and when stepping out of the car they could already sense the eyes on them, Pedri quickly held her hand and guided her inside the restaurant, as requested their table in the most private space of the restaurant waited for them.

Even if the table was the most private, it was still in the access of anyone's eye sight, giving them the perfect opportunity to pretend to be discreet while having the photos and gossip spread out. 

— How was Paris? — Pedri asked noticing the girl wasn't going to start the conversation like usual and she looked up from her phone, placing it to the side to answer, they were on a date, they need to make people think they were interested

And for the first time since this entire thing had started, she was thinking before speaking. 

— Was great, got to enjoy some free time with my friends, even if it wasn't a lot cause of the boys stuff it was great, plus got to have a dinner with my parents — She said a faint smile on her face while she remembered 

— Oh, your parents were there as well? I didn't see a lot of you guys together — He said truthfully, he received lots of photos from her but none with her family

— We only met up for one dinner, they were just busy with their jobs, the usual — She shrugged and he nodded — What about the games? 

— They have been great, so far we have been in a winning strike which we all hope doesn't end to be honest — He said and she smiled slightly, when she was younger and they were in a city where football matches attracted her father, he would always bring her to it, but as she got older and they all got busier, those little hangouts died out. 

— You're coming to the next game, right? — He asked and she looked at the food being placed in front of them, before thanking the waitress who left leaving the couple and with a gossip to spread out, she would most likely be in the stands of the next game

— Yeah, I think if I miss another one Luisa will fire me — She chuckled before focusing her attention in the pasta 

— That's true, I heard a lot from them for not having an excuse ready — He said remembering when he was asked by his teammates and almost froze before recovering 

— Sorry about that, but I'll be in the next one, saturday, right?

— Yeah, if you want I can pick you up — He said since it was always needed for them to leave together 

— I'll let you know by friday. 

Truth be told, she wanted to spend as little time as possible with him, she felt uncomfortable and didn't want to be annoying him that much, yeah, she was definitely stupid. 

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