Chapter 43

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"Wake up... Wake up... Wake up Parker..."

Parker's eyes snapped awake as he heard the voices. The voice sounded familiar. "Constance?" he asked, looking around. There was nothing except ink in every direction. He felt numb but he could move nonetheless. "C'mon Parker this is your time to strike back! Do it now! Get up and strike back!" a voice that sounded like Bill's shouted. "Can I though... I'm so weak. They were all right about me. I can't do it..." he cried, feeling himself melt into the ink again.

"No. You can! Do you think they would give up on you?! Do you?! Did you think they would just give up right here and now!? Stop lounging around! Get up!" Brant snapped at him. Parker felt his body slightly jolt. He had a newfound energy. Somehow the ink made his veins slightly turn gold. Though it didn't frighten him. He raised his arm to see it better. "The ink sparing you. Please get back up and fight! They need you now more than ever! Even Bendy needs us now! You're the only one who can put an end to this neverending nightmare! There's only so much time! DO NOT let these guys win! All our efforts will be for nothing!" Constance cried.

New motivation filled Parker with power throughout his veins. He closed his eyes, accepting the Ink's gift inside of him. He didn't want his friends to suffer anymore. "Ink Machine... I'm ready. Do what you have to do." he ordered.

As if he commanded it himself, the ink pushed him toward the only light in the space.


Bendy laughed as he felt the energy of Parker's power spark through him. "Yes! Finally! It's time!" Just as it came, it left. Bendy shrank back horrified. "No... No! NO!" he shouted angrily. Those who remained were confused. They watched as Bendy destroyed things in their room. Rosa could only stand there holding Parker's sketchbook. Her eyes wandered towards the Ink Puddle where Parker had been disposed of. Suddenly it began forming something. Her eyes widened as she saw the morph of the embodiment of a person.

Everyone noticed too. Even the servants. Bendy looked over and saw the Ink disappear revealing their one and only Parker. Buddy smiled and felt himself get hyped. Henry chuckled happily.

Instead of being his normal self, half his body had ink markings on his hands, ink dripped off, his hair was longer and wavier, his clothes were similar to everyone else's, and his skin was slightly paler. But the other half of his body was normal.

He opened his eyes, one of bright gold and the other normal. This startled Bendy as he backed away. Parker held his hand out and a ball of ink formed in his hand. From that ball, he created the "The End" reel. "NO! THIS CAN'T BE! I MADE SURE THIS WASN'T POSSIBLE! HOW?! TELL ME!?" Bendy screeched. Parker didn't answer as he crossed his arms over each other creating an X with his arms, his hands flexed. Rosa could only stare as he commanded the Ink to rise above his head. "I'll bring back everyone... And I mean everyone..." he promised, before releasing his arms. The ink dispersed and released all the Lost Ones, Keepers, Butcher Gang members, Spiders, and even the Projectionist in front of him.

Instead of attacking him, they revolted against the Ink Demon. Bendy recoiled in horror. Parker gritted his teeth and pointed at the Ink Demon. "We are not weak anymore. I'm through with you making us run forever! This ends now!" Parker declared. Bendy roared and lunged himself at the young boy who began forming a sword in his hand. The same one that he had seen in Wilson's painting.

His eyes glowed more aggressively this time leaving everyone stunned. He formed more weapons and gave them out to the rest of his friends, each one scattering somewhere. "I'm going to win no matter what!" he cried. Everyone else shouted in agreement and headed right toward the Ink Demon.

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