Chapter 15: Swordsmen

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"Ugh..." Yuto mumbled annoyed when the light penetrated from the salon window, hitting directly on his face and forcing him to wake up.

Grunting, Yuto rose from the wooden floor and looked around. The hall was a real mess, with empty bottles scattered everywhere and corpses scattered in every corner as a result of the party they had done to celebrate the last success they had accomplished.

Approaching the window, he observed Elegia. His house was built on top of the hill. It was a big colonial villa built on two floors, with a big garden used as a training ground.

"Four years," Yuto muttered as he walked into the kitchen for breakfast.

It almost seemed like a joke intended by fate, but it had already been four years since they occupied Elegia and had created that "Pirate Utopia" (as Francis Drake called it) where the influence of the world government and the Celestial Dragons was almost zero.

It was four years since the Sixth Grail War was over. As a book just finished, Yuto had closed and placed it in an imaginary shelf dedicated to his childhood and adolescence, and had begun a new book yet to be written.

Now he was a pirate, a criminal wanted by the world government whose head was worth 60 million Berry, the second highest after Francis Drake who had a bounty of 100 million.

Travelling on the Golden Hind, Yuto had learned a lot about the navigation and lifestyle of pirates, all while the name of Francis Drake's crew became known in the Grand Line and consequently their infamy.

"Ugh... what a headache!" Mordred grumbled, massaging her temple to ease the pain.

"Hangover's an ugly thing, isn't it?" Yuto said, giving her a sarcastic smile. "The disadvantages of being incarnated."

"That's the only thing I miss about being a servant," Mordred said, rubbing his temples to ease the headache. "Go and make me some coffee. I want it bitter."

Yuto chuckled when he saw Mordred in that condition, but he was also not well.

Yuto was not the only person to be freed from his obsessions. Mordred no longer seemed to have any ambition for Caliburn or to become King. Each time Yuto entered the matter to better understand Mordred, she dismissed the argument by ignoring it or defining it as "unnecessary".

The holy grail war had changed both. This was for sure, yet he was dying from curiosity to find out what Mordred wanted.

"Do you know when Drake intends to pass the Red Line?" Mordred asked, sitting in one of the chairs around the table.

"I know that Captain Drake wanted to create a small fleet," Yuto replied. "From what I know, the New World is ruled by the Four Emperors and I assure you that Kaido is not the type we can beat."

"Ptuh!" Mordred spit hot coffee in Yuto's face. "Don't say bullshit! You swiped the King of Heroes and put an arrow in his head."

"Their nature is different," Yuto replied, cleaning his face. "Gilgamesh is an arrogant king and an arrogant, while Kaido is a warrior even though he is more like a furious beast."

He still remembered the beating he had received. Even using reinforcement, Kaido had broken Yuto's bones with one strike. Also, Kaido didn't even get serious with him.

"Honestly I'm pretty sure he's looking for us right now," Yuto said, sipping a sip of coffee. "When we get the bounty, he'll know the trick."

"That's why you don't stay in one place for too long?" Mordred guessed, his gaze landed on Yuto. "Why don't you decide to kill him? I remind you that you are a former magus killer. Your insensitivity to death should not make you suffer or generate guilt."

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