Chapter 14

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Everyone wanted a new era where they could be happier. Everyone wanted enough food to feed themselves, enough wine to quench their thirst, and enough money to afford nice clothes and a warm house. However, a fake world like the Uta World was stagnant since people could not explore unknown seas.

A new era could only begin by putting together everyone's efforts to achieve a result that would guarantee the future of the world and those who inhabited it. And that's why Yuto rejected it, preferring the real and imperfect world he lived in.

"So this was the monster you told me, wasn't it?" Yamato asked, holding firmly the naginata that Yuto had given her.

"Wait, did you know this could have happened?!" Mordred frowned.

"Even I preferred not to arrive at this, but unfortunately we must defeat it now," Yuto replied while making some big swords falling to block Tot Musica's arms. "You too were there when I revealed the Wraith's presence."

After meeting the Elder, Yuto gained the ability to see into the future. According to Yamato, the Eye of Truth was nothing more than a highly advanced form of Kenbunshoku Haki that Yuto could learn to control with a little training.

"I had enough! I'll crush it!" Determined to end the battle, Mordred wielded Clarent firmly. Mana flowed along the blade. "Clarent Blood-" However, she stopped when Yuto stood in front of her. "What are you doing?!"

"Uta is there," Yuto said while projecting Rho Aias to protect Mordred.

Pirates were wicked people, unconcerned about the suffering their actions caused to get what they wanted. This was what Uta had told him, yet it was not that all the pirates were evil. It was humans who, driven by greed and a thirst for power, made others suffer.

"Tot Musica, huh?" Yuto put a hand on his chest that began to shine beautifully. "Captain, take Jack and go back to the ship. Sail now!"

Francis narrowed her gaze on Yuto. "What are you going to do?"

She needed no answer when Yuto pulled Excalibur, the sword of victory promised, out of its sheath. Everyone's eyes opened wide at the sight of the radiance of the blade while Tot Musica stepped back slightly sensing the danger.

"You're in my way."

Excalibur's blade turned black, but it was different from the darkness of Excalibur Morgan. While Excalibur Morgan had lost the radiance of the sacred, this form was different. While trapped in the Uta world, Yuto had learned from Yamato how to use the Busoshoku Haki to boost himself and his swords. The enchantment was only temporary, but much more powerful than normal reinforcement since it allowed him to bypass Devil Fruit's defences such as Logia's intangibility of Logia.

"Captain, Jack must not approach this monster," Yuto said. "If I'm right, it wants her."

"No, Jack stays with you!" Jack wanted to fight.

"You are my daughter, aren't you?" Yuto turned into his hybrid form. "Then, good kids do what their parents tell them to do."

The Yuto who didn't care about others didn't exist anymore. He died on the last day of the Holy Grail War. Jack was as important as Mordred, Yamato, Aisha and Captain Drake so he wouldn't let something bad happen to her.

"If I'm right, Tot Musica wants Jack's piece to untie itself from Uta' Devil Fruit," Yuto said. "If it gets it, it will bring ruin upon the world."

Tot Musica was a Wraith born from the regrets of artists who had failed to break into the music world. Jack was a Wraith born from the souls of unborn children or who had been abandoned soon after birth.

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