Sports Festival 4/4

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I was standing on my end of the platform taking deep breaths as Todoroki was standing on his.
"BEGIN!" Mic yells and Todoroki doesn't waste a second on covering the place in ice. I jump as high as I could to not get frozen along with it. He does a ice pillar next to me that I dodge easily.
The match goes on and I stand by my word, I don't give my all as long as he doesn't.
He covered most of the arena with ice pillars so I decide to use One for all to destroy and use some of the debris of ice as projectiles affecting his vision.
"DON'T PITY ME!" Todoroki yells doing a line of high ice almost hitting me.
"I WON'T USE HIS SIDE TO WIN!" He says back irritated.
"THEN LET YOURSELF FREEZE AND LET HIM BELIEVE IT'S HIS QUIRK! USE YOUR QUIRK TODOROKI!" I yell and with the crowd and the noise our fight was doing we could barely hear each other.
"YOU KNOW NOTHING!" He yells in distress. My words were getting to him.
"YOUR QUIRK! USE YOUR QUIRK!" I yell and he lights up and it was a huge fire covering most of the field. I was standing just before the line and the fire calmed down and I was smiling as I finally use my quirk. I light up, green electricity coming out of my body, and run to him landing a punch.
"Now we can fight." I say confidently. He still mostly used his right side and occasionally used his left and I would be lying if I said that the burning marks didn't hurt. I broke most of my fingers and I was at the edge of the line. He was coming to hit me with his ice from afar. I felt like passing out but I jumped, still within the lines, and ran to him. I then use my thumb, being my last hope, and the inside of my cheek and push it out in Todoroki's direction.
"One For All 3%" I mumble and the wind propels him right outside the lines. I fall to the ground exhausted as the crowd screams and I'm announced the winner.
"I won.." I mumble feeling the sting of my injuries and I get up and go to sit with Todoroki.
"I know it doesn't mean much but, I really hope you understand what I mean and also that I'm proud of you." I smile at him and he nods, he was thinking of something.
"I need to learn how to control it again.. It's been too long.." He admits in a sigh and I chuckle.
"Good thing we're in hero course of class 1-A to train isn't it?" I say playfully and he nods as we both get up. I knew I could pass out any moment.
"Sorry for burning you so much." He says looking at my injured skin.
"I asked you to do it. No need to apologize, let's go rest a little before I pass out." I laugh slightly.
"You're going to pass out aren't you?" He asks worried and I nod my legs becoming weak.
"Hold on." He says putting my arm around his shoulder and helping me stay up.
"Thanks." I smile. We were at the exit when I was picked up.
"Dumbass." Kacchan grumbles putting me on a stretcher and I see Todoroki on an other so he could get healed too.
"I won!" I say weakly.
"I'm hella proud of you but we need to get you healed up first 'Kay?" He explains and I nod laying down.
"Mkay." I say with a small smile.

Recovery girl came and healed both me and Todoroki, apparently our wounds were mostly superficial. Mostly because my broken bones earned me quite a scolding from RG, Kacchan was just watching mockingly. Apparently Kiri was crying his eyes out since he was proud and was with the others waiting for the medal ceremony.
"We're done kids, go for that ceremony so you can go rest quicker. You can come to the infirmary to rest if needed afterwards." She explains and before we get up a large men comes in.
"SHOTO! You finally used my power!" Endeavour says making me cringe and Todoroki tense up.
"Your power? I don't think it's allowed for outsiders to use their quirk on the field." I say playing innocent.
"The power I gave him, not mine personally. Shoto now that you stopped your revolting phase we can work on it." The number 2 hero says firmly and I frown.
"No father, I simply realized I could use my quirk however I wish. Maybe the quirk was from your DNA, but it's mine now, I don't need to use it to accomplish your foolish desires." Shoto says getting up and walking away.
"Shoto! Get back here right this instant!" Endeavour says mad.
"Or what? You'll kick me out of the house?" He asks mockingly. "Do that, I'm not a child anymore father, I won't be scared to fight back. I wonder what the media will think of a hero abusing their family." He says emotionless and Endeavour ended up leaving telling a million curses under his breath.

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