"Why yes." She replied. "I'm very more concerned about what our government would do to Ring, also what other countries will try to have access on it."

"I see." He remarked on the answer as she respond to his question.

The scene changed again and shows a teenager boy that's wear a punk like attire.

"Excuse me sir?" The reporter greeted the teen with a question. "What are your thoughts on the Ring that appeared on Manila Bay and the world on the other side?"

The teenager boy look directly at the camera in a stern look and responded at the question.

"To what I think to the Ring and the other world?"  He answered. "I think there will be imperialist activity to our government that will conquer the locals and created their colonies on there. So I'm against the government if they send in military force or let the West on expanding their influence."

"That sound aggressive for our government on committing such actions." The reporter responded the answer of the teenager.

"My father was killed by the Special Action Force (SAF) after being on the crossfire on our home. The previous administrative has less care on human life and more to filling their pockets." He explained his experience with government. "So I bet that they will exploit the people on the other world."

"Thank you for giving me some interesting answer." He commented the teenager response on the Ring and the government possible colonization on the other world.

The reporter looked directly at the camera and talked to the newscaster. "There's all the response from the people about the Ring. Coming back to you Alvin."

The scene changed back to the newsroom and the newscaster is looking at the camera.

"Thank you Miguel". He replied back and continued reporting at the watchers.

"Our next news is the announcement of a General Assembly on UN building from US, New York. Its about the appearance of the Ring and the world from the other side. The meetings will take place on January 31, 2026." He reported of a international meeting concerning about the Ring and the another world.

"On the next news, the live adaption of Ibong Adarna is coming next month on our channel." The newscaster then reported other news topics as he finished about the Ring.


Manila, Philippines

January 30, 2026

Malacañang Palace, Presidential Study

As the news ends, the president groans at his chair and smudged his face. The Vice President looked away at the man action trying to stay professional.

"So Mister President, how you are feeling?" The Vice President bothered him.

"Terrible on many levels." President Emmanuel answered. "Just only complains from the other countries about the Ring and having access to the other world."

"How did it go when you encounter the world leaders on the online meeting." The Vice President asked about the virtual meeting that was conducted to discuss on the discovery of the Ring.

He got up and straighten his posture and answered. "I demand they will not given them any direct access on the Ring and give some restrictions on the joint research operations to investigate the Ring."

"I bet they furious." The Vice President commented on the President actions.

"The Chinese send some of their warships on our waters and demanded access to the Ring. But was later pushed back by the combined effort of the Coast Guard and Navy." The President explained the situation.

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