|Chapter 2|

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POV: Josh

"Hello?" I answer the phone. "Hello yes is this Josh Bradley?" They respond. It's five in the morning what the fuck do they want? "Yes. How can I help you?" "Well, sir it seams you have a sister. Her name is Mia Bradley and she is in an orphanage in Florida. We were wondering if seeing as you are her last family member you could help us out?" Wait I have a sister? "Um yeah. If it's okay she can um come live with me. That's up to her though." I hear talking in the background. "Sounds great! Where are we taking her?" Wait what I have a sister, I don't know her now she is coming to live with me? "London."

POV: Mia

Why does he have to live in London? I've never been there before. I'm terrified. I've never left Florida. I can't think properly. Oh my god! Lizzy lives there! Lizzy is my internet best friend. Actually my only friend. I have to text her!

L: Lizzy
M: Mia

M: Dood! Guess what!
L: What? Man it's early!
M: It's 3pm in London...
L: Exactly! Early! Now what do you want?
M: Well turns out I have a brother...
L: Wait what?!?
M: He lives in London...
L: Wait you have a brother?!?
M: Yes. And I'm moving to his house.
L: Oh mah gawd! Wait did you say London?
M: Um yeah! Omg!
L: Omg we have to hang out!!!!
M: mmhmm! Well gtg pack
L: see ya! <3
M: <3

I put my phone down and start to pack. Clothes. Toiletries. Laptop. I throw on my hoodie, skinny jeans, vans, and beanie, then put my headphones around my neck. I pick up my phone and drag my suitcase out of the room.

~30 minutes later~

"Mia! Time to leave!" Someone yells from down the hallway. I run towards the voice, but I'm pushed to the ground. "Where do you think you're going?" I look up and see Anna. "I'm leaving this shit-hole! Have a good life!" I jump up, dust off my knees and continue. I can feel her eyes on the back of my head. I'm greeted in the lobby by a man in a suit. "Hello miss Bradley. Are you ready for the flight?" I nod and we leave the orphanage.

We're in the car and it is completely silent, so I decide to talk. "So, what do you know about my brother?" He keeps his eyes on the road and speaks. "Well, I guess you don't know him?" I shake my head no. "Okay. He is a YouTuber. He lives with his friends. And that's about everything I know." I nod at his answer.


We are driving up towards a house and I'm terrified. I've never met him. And now I have to meet him and his friends. The car stops. "Are you ready?" The man asks. "Um yeah. I guess so." I respond and I grab my stuff. We get out and walk towards the door. I knock and hear foot steps run towards the door. It swings open and a man with blonde hair looks at me with a goofy smile. "You must be Mia! I'm Simon. Josh just ran to the store to grab a couple things. Come on in." He seems very kind. "T-thank you." As I walk in my jaw drops. This house is amazing.

Why Here? (Sidemen FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora