"This is the second week of April."


Sam frowned. "So, Dad is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes?"

"Yahtzee. Can you imagine putting together a pattern like this? All the different obits Dad had to go through? The man's a master." Sam looked annoyed, pulled over to the side of the road and turned off the car. "What are you doing?"

"We're not going to Indiana."

"We're not?"

"No. We're going to California. Dad called from a payphone. Sacramento area code."


"Dean, if this demon killed Mom and Jess, and Dad's closing in, we've gotta be there. We've gotta help."

"Dad doesn't want our help," Dean said.

"I don't care."

"He's given us an order."

"I don't care," Sam repeated firmly. "We don't always have to do what he says."

"Sam, Dad is asking us to work jobs, to save lives, it's important."

"All right, I understand, believe me, I understand. But I'm talking one week here, man, to get answers. To get revenge."

"Okay, look, I get how you feel."

"Do you?" Dean looked shocked. "How old were you when Mom died? Four? Jess died six months ago. How the hell would you know how I feel?"

"Dad said it wasn't safe. For any of us. I mean, he obviously knows something that we don't, so if he says to stay away, we stay away. I lost Madison. So don't you tell me I don't understand how you feel!"

"I don't understand the blind faith you have in the man. I mean, it's like you don't even question him."

"Yeah, it's called being a good son!" Sam, angry, got out of the car. Dean got out and watched Sam unloading things from the trunk. "You're a selfish bastard, you know that? You just do whatever you want. Don't care what anybody thinks."

"That's what you think?"

"Yes, it is."

"Well, then this selfish bastard is going to California." He put on his backpack and started walking away.

Dean looked at his brother. "Come on, you're not serious."

"I am serious."

"It's the middle of the night! Hey, I'm taking off, I will leave your ass, you hear me?"

Sam stopped walking and turned around. "That's what I want you to do." They stared at each other for a few seconds, waiting.

"Goodbye, Sam." He closed the trunk, got in the car, and drove away.

Sam watched him leave, then started walking away.

"Daddy? Did me or Simon make Uncle Sammy mad?" Lennon asked.

"No, sweetie, you and your brother didn't. I made him mad."

"Are you gonna make him happy?"

"I think Uncle Sam and I need some time apart."

"But why?"

Dean inhaled and let out a sigh. "Lennon, please. Try to get some sleep, okay?"

"Are you mad at me, Daddy?"

"No, I'm not mad at you, kiddo."


Dean reached Burkitsville, Indiana and pulled over to the side of the road. He selected Sam Mobile and thought about calling Sam.

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