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Something in me didn't want to leave Alex there, he looked scared when I walked away.

And I hate to admit it but...I've come to love that hybrid. Everything about him is so nice.

I was just getting a bad feeling about leaving him. I then walk back to see if he looked more...calm.

But he didn't he was shaking violently. I run over to him and pick him up. "Hey! Alex" I yell, he didn't stop shaking.

I ran to the bathroom with him in my arms. Placing him on the floor and undressing him. I lift him and out him in the tub.

Filling it up with warm water. I start soothingly rub his sides. His arms and cheeks. "Alex, please wake up!" I say worried.

I was getting the feeling like when he laid 'dead' on the bed. I didn't like this feeling. "Alex!" I yell. Shaking him. Causing him to shake more violently then he already did.

His body started turning pale. Very pale. I felt tears form in my eyes. Is he dying? He can't be.

"Alex, darling please open your eyes." I begged. Watching as his body started to fade. "The hell?"

I'm worried, I'm scared. I need him here. "Alex open your eyes I'm not joking anymore."

I needed to get something from the room. But with his body fading, or decaying I feared he'd be gone when I came back.

I started crying, it's stupid. I've known him for what...a week? And I'm this attached. "Alex, open your eyes."

I ask again, at this point it's useless. I get water and put it on his body as if it would do anything. Nothing is working. "GODDAMMIT OPEN YOUR EYES!" I yell.

I pick his body up, it's a lot lighter now...I don't like that.

I hold him close, not even caring that he's naked. I take him with me and rich to my room. He was decaying slower?

I laid him in my bed. Just looking, crying. He's laying helpless. And I can't do anything. Watching him shake.

I walk over and get the outfit he first wore when he came here. I dress him. Watching the fabric decay too.

"No, c'mon please Alex..." I'm trying so hard for a person that can't even speak to me. A person that probably is dying, a person that will probably...forget me.

I lay in the bed next to him. Sleep frowning me. Although I fight it, not wanting to close my eyes. Not wanting to wake up without him.

He then stopped moving, tiredly I look up. He's still. Just see though now. But I don't care.

I cuddle up to his cold body, no more warmth. I cry silently. I would kiss him every once in a while.

Soon what I dreaded most came, I fell asleep, tears stringing my eyes.

I held him close as I slept. Praying that he'd at least be there when I wake.

My face fell smooth. I felt weak holds and pushed on me. Light whispers. "Wilbur" or "please" I didn't open my eyes because sleep wouldn't let me.

I wanted to die right now.

The morning came and I woke up slowly. Events from last night coming back.

Only problem...he wasn't here.

I looked on the bright side. "Maybe he woke up! And went somewhere else in the house."

Though I knew it wasn't true. I looked everywhere. Trying to at least find something of him.

I went to where he stayed. Nothing out of place, the bathroom from last night. Nothing.

"Alex!" I yelled every two seconds. I'm lonely again. All alone.

Gosh I miss him. I felt tears Pool in my eyes.

"Only way to get this off is-" I say to myself before heading to the kitchen.

"Drinking away"

And for the next few hours I drank...and drank....and drank.

I was drunk out of my mind. Crying as I continued. At this point I didn't know how I haven't passed out.

Nor did I care, I wanted all of this to go away. Nothing physical left for me. Nothing to care for anymore.

And I fell. I fell and disappeared. Blacked out, passed out.

Laying on the cold floor. Nothing mattered.

Though I couldn't shake the feeling of going fast, like light. I was zooming, but I couldn't see anything.

It felt weird. And it didn't stop for what felt like hours.

I opened my eyes, feeling a massive headache as everything was blurred. I couldn't see anything but black, black and little stars.

Like space, it was pretty yet nauseating.

I then saw something, Earth...becoming smaller. "What?" I managed out.

It hurt like hell. But I did it. I saw as earth became nothing but a speck like the stars around. Time going by so slow, yet everything by so fast.

Is this what dying feels like? Did I drink too much? Am I even dying?

Questions ran through my head as everything was still blurred.

My body was moving slowly though.

Then there was a strange shade...of what looked like.....blue, showed in my vision. The hell.

It was weird, I wanted to scream but I couldn't breath either. I'm going to die.

I hit the floor, a weird dream that's all.

My eyes open slowly, still blurry.

"Quack quack" I hear around me, I sit up slowly.

"Where am i...?" I asked confused looking around confused.


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