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"Hey, time to wake up." I heard while I laid in a humans bed. This was cool and all but he's unpredictable.

I sit up and look at him. I was confused on what he was saying as to I've never met another person that didn't 'quack'.

Although I didn't know what he was saying I knew he was talking to me...since I was the only one there. So I tilted my head, by this point I think he understands I can't understand him.

My tail wagged a bit I under the sheets. He walked over to me slowly. Probably to not frighten me. But I didn't get it.

He wasn't hurting me or anything, he was caring for me. I've tried to read about humans from what ducks say about them....the pages only had different 'quacks' on it.

But I understood it, partially. This change that's happened to me has left me to understand nothing.

I can comprehend what the ducks say to me but I have no idea what this person is saying.

I get dragged back into reality by a sudden sink in the bed. I look and see the guy sitting with his hands up in the air.

I only understood him when he was pointing to his ear and mouth. Meaning 'hear' and 'speak' which I don't know how to.

He looked at the bed, my legs moved a bit and he noticed. "I won't hurt you..." I didn't know what he said...at this point it needs to be clear.

I can hear him, I'm not deaf....I just don't understand. I raised an eyebrow. He sighed. "Right...you can't hear."

He then smiled brightly getting up quickly and running out the room. I scared me at the sudden movement, but he didn't mean harm...

A few minutes passed and he didn't come back. I got worried, did someone hurt him? Is he hurt? I then stand up slowly.

"Ngh" I groaned at the pain in my wing. (OMG HE MADE A NOISE 🙄) I flapped it a bit, it...moved, but it hurt a lot.

I then slowly continue walking to the door. Peaking my head out. I didn't see anyone. But I heard a noise. And curious me had to go see what it was.

I walked towards the noise. I heard it again and flinched. It was the room just ahead. I quickened a little walking faster towards the source.

I looked into the room. I saw movement and walked slowly to it. My tail wagged with excitement. I was close enough to see what it was.

It was the guy, he was looking through boxes and boxes of books. I questioned it, but couldn't say anything. I then hear him sigh. The tail wagged again. My wings flapped a bit.

The noise of air moving around my wings caused him to turn. "AGH!" He yelled, I jumped and fell. My eyes were wide before I smiled. "Oh you scared me!" He said, once again I titled my head. Still smiling though.

I slowly stood up, regaining my balance. Walking closer to him. I see what he pulled out, it was a book. I don't know what about but...it looked cool.

I sat next to him. He smiled and opened the book. My face lit up. I understood that! I scooted closer, basically on him. But not quite yet.

I didn't see a problem at first but then remembered he was human and not a duck I've lived with for my entire life.

I then back up, looking at him with my face filled with sorry-ness. He then smiled. "It's fine" I wish I could understand what he was saying, and now I will. With this book.

As I sat next to him, my head on his shoulder looking at the book he finally stopped on a page. 'Hello, my name is Wilbur!'

I got excited. My tail wagged faster. He smiled wide. I nodded, very very fast. It kind of hurt my head, but I knew what he was saying.

'I'm...I'm' I started. I shrugged. I didn't know... he smiled and flipped through more pages. 'No name?' He did, I nodded sadly.

'No name' I repeated after him. He started thinking, not looking at me. He looked at me. 'Your duck?' I nodded.

He smiled. 'Do you quack?' He said laughing a little. I blushed. Shaking my head, 'i use to, before this' I then signaled towards my new body.

He nodded. Although it sounds like our conversation was going by quickly it wasn't really. The Wilbur guy didn't really get it right away. Having to think about it.

But other than that this was nice. 'Can you speak' he asked. I just look at him. 'I can't' Wilbur looked at the book then at me. 'Your mute' I shook my head.

'I don't know how to talk...' and he smiled. 'I'll teach you!' And with that he closed the book. Standing up and reaching for my hands.

I stick them out and he grabs them. And pulls me up. I smile and run back to my room. Once he got there he watched me look out the window. I pointed out there.

'I wanna go' I motioned, he seemed to have got that. He walked s closer to me. My tail wagged with excitement. He laughed.

I frowned playfully. Flapping my good wing at him. He grabs it again. Holding it softly. I still can't get over the fact his hands felt nice.

I then grab one of his hands with both of mine. I started rubbing my hands all over his. He was confused but let it be.

I was then very curious. I took his hand to my mouth and but it. "OW!" He yelled, pulling his hand back. Holding it. I got worried.

Trying to get his hand back to soothe it. He shook his head and walked out the room. I stood there for a second before rushing out the room to find him.

This is when I wish I could scream his name. To at least know where he is. So I tried... "AAAA" I yelled, almost a screech and Wilbur leaned out of the bathroom. Looking at me confused.

"So...." He said looking at me. I smile running to him and hugging him tightly. He smiled through the pain in his finger and the squeezing of my hug.

"Alright..." he said out of breath. "I forgive you" I kept hugging him. He was just a sound that made no sense to me.

I looked at him, and with the hand i didn't bite he caressed my cheek with it. "I'm fine..." he said smiling.

I shook my head. Pointing at my ear. He sighed. And I sighed after him, laughing after. He continued to smile.

He then kissed my forehead. 'I'm good' he motioned. I let go of him. Twiddling my fingers. I was probably a light shade of pink now.

I smile at him. 'Thank you' and I pulled his hand again. He flinched and hesitated to give in. Soon he did and I kissed his finger.

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