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I don't like this...we barely know each other and he's acting like we've known each other for years. I'm acting like we've known each other for years.

He still held my finger. He was looking at it like he was right before he but it. I started worrying trying to pull my finger but he wouldn't let go.

"That's enough!" I say, I really need to teach him English. I can't keep doing this. I then put my hand in his and he stops. He looks at my hand then me.

He smiles and kissed my finger again. I just look at him, every movement he does as he trails up to kissing my arm.

I stop him, turning away. "You can't do that." I could tell he didn't know what I meant but oh well. He giggled.

I shook my head at him. 'You can't do that' I motioned, he frowned. 'Why?' I sighed. Then he sighed, smiling after.

I liked when he did that. Now I just wish he would copy what I say. 'C'mon, imma teach you something.' And he followed. We went to my room.

He happily flopped onto the bed. His wing was starting to finally heal. 'Now your head if you hear me' I motioned. "Mhmhm" he nodded. 'Do you know what I said?'

He shook his head, 'it was sound' I nodded. 'You try' he flapped his good wing a little. "Mhmh!" He hummed. I smiled.

'Yeah' he giggled after. I tried teaching basic things like. "Hello" and "bye"...we got somewhere...

"Buhhh" he said, i laughed shaking my head. "Bye" he frowned. I at least knew he knew I was saying bye.

"Buuu" he said, smiling. It was honestly adorable to see him act like this. "Heeooo" I laughed.

"Hello!" I said, smiling. After some time I went to make lunch. He waited in my room. As I walked back up to get him I heard him trying to say the words.

"Buuee" he was getting closer. "Hela" I opened the door. 'Eat' I did as he came rushing to me.

I hugged him as he hugged back. "Hela!" He said. I shook my head laughing. "Hi!" I said, he looked shocked. 'What?' He did.

I looked at him. 'What' he didn't know hi? "Hi?" He said, and I mean full on said it. It was cute.

His voice was...perfect everything about it. I nodded. "Yeah, hi!" I said happily. He frowned. 'What's that' I looked at him. Then the floor. Then to him.

'Another word for hello' he smiled, 'i speak it!' I nodded laughing a bit 'now come eat' and he followed.

I sat down and he just stood there, with his wings flapping. He frowned. Looking at the table. 'What?' I said, he shook his head.

He then walked beside me and sat on the floor. Touching my leg. I looked at him. "Sit up here" he looked at me.

'Sit up here' I motioned after. He shook his head. 'Here' and he stood still, well...still playing with my leg.

I then started eating my food. "OOWWW!" I yell, shaking my leg, looking at it. He was biting my leg again.

"Stop! That hurts!" I say, he kept biting it getting harder. "Stop!" I then fell to the floor, trying to push him off. He just kept crawling closer biting me.

"I'm not food!" The duck kept biting. Soon my hip, then my arm, my collarbone, then finally my neck. Looking at me once he stopped.

He smiled at me, and I was pissed. Shaking my head pushing him off. 'I'm not food!' I then stood up. 'If I'm taking care of you don't fucking bite me!'

He then saddened. Tears springing into his eyes. 'I'm sorry' he then got up and ran to what I think was his room.

I then went after him. The door was closed but I could hear...something. It wasn't crying...

I then open the door. His wings are moving way more. His tail is twitching not wagging. His good wing covers his body, still flapping.

"Hey," I say, his wings stop moving, but his tail twitching still. I walk closer to him.

Now that I notice the room is way hotter, the air filled with...a good smell. I then touch him...he's warm, really hot actually.

He was burning. "Hey I didn't mean to upset you." I say rubbing lightly, trying to sooth him. "Mhm" I heard him.

I stopped my hand movement. "You good?" I ask, I needed him to look at me so I could put it in a way he understands. "Hey look at me please" I say.

He just starts flapping his wings again, only difference is that his hand comes out and pulls mine. I'm now on the floor, feeling his body.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I was worried, we've only been here for a few days and he's acting weird. "Ngh~" I hear him as my hand rubs over something.

I move his wing looking at him. He was red, still hot to the touch. And my hand was on his...crotch. I pulled away instantly.

"Woah, hey hey hey!" I say. His face fell. Sitting up he walked to me. Biting me again. "I said no biting." He didn't stop, I didn't expect him to.

"Hey, what's wrong with you!" I say trying to push him off. He started growling. "What the fuck!" I say as he started biting my hand.

His tail kept twitching, wings flapping rapidly. "Hey, stop that hurts!" he then stopped. Looking into my eyes. His eyes were golden.

"Your eyes?" I said, where they always that color? He fell to the floor. Holding my leg. Rubbing his head against it. "Hey!" I say, he kept going.

He then went up, to my waist. Holding it and rubbing. I tried to stay still but I felt weak. I fell.

He then grabbed my hand. Licking it. "Oh god!" I said worried, looking around. "He's in that horny, heat shit." I then looked around.

No no no. He kept crawling onto me. "I'm human...c'mon don't do this." His hand then brushed against my crotch. "H-hey stop!" One of his legs were on the outside and the other right beneath my crotch.

He was blushing still. A lot...

"Hey, c'mon we aren't like this." I then hear a faint whisper...of real words. "We could be..." I look at him. But he showed no realization to the voice.

Was it him? Was he talking? No way. I then look at him as he was now on my lap. I shook my head as he started moving. Does he even know what he's doing?

"Duckling~ stop!" He smiled. Looking at me. Then frowning. He then put his hand on his crotch. Which was against mine.

He then laid on my chest, as I stood still.

His hand moving. As he rubbed himself it was effecting me. His hands are so small, yet so dangerous.

Slight whimpers came from him. And I bit my lip. I wanted to do something for myself...I'm not going to touch him....

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