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I'm actually about to fuck a duck...how did I find myself in this situation.

I didn't sign up for this when I took him in. But here I am my dick against his ass. His tail kept twitching.

I didn't like how this was going, but....I'm not having those perverted-abusive people touch him. So I'll do it.

He moved back as I just watched. I watched as my length disappeared more into him. "How fucking far?"

He then stopped. "Uh" I really don't know what to do, is this like thrusting into a girl...I've only done that once...

I began to slowly move out. Then go back in. He cried, from pleasure I hope...I'm not wanting to hurt him.

His tail was wagging very fast. Wings flapping out of joy. I watched as I didn't move, it was all him. He obviously didn't know what he was doing.

I grab his waist to stop his movement. He started whining and I pulled out then went back in. At a more...steady pace.

Soon, I was laying against his bed frame and he was on top of me, riding...and I hate to admit it but I was enjoying this.

"Ah- ah- ah~" he stuttered out as he came to a stop. "You done?" I questioned, then lifted his his as he looked at me. 'You done?' He shook his head. 'Legs are weak'

I smiled, I don't know why, I should have stopped. But my grip on his waist tightened and I lifted him. That was clearly all he needed as white strings of cum got on me.

He gave a low groan. At the feeling. I was about to cum as well but I didn't want that for him. I picked him up to take him off.

He whined. Putting his hand on my dick. I winced put didn't let it bother me much. He then put his mouth around it. "Fuck!" I let out at the sudden warmth around me again.

He started bobbing his head up and down. The stimulation getting closer and closer. I put my hands in his hair, after getting it under my beanie.

He didn't stop as I released in his mouth. He did slow down though. Soon coming to a stop. He got off and swallowed.

I looked at him, he was sweaty and no doubt that I wasn't. He curled up onto me. I sighed. "I have to get you help..." I say, as I felt soft snores come from him.

He was naked, and I just had my...pants off. I pulled my boxers up, or at least tried. Once I got them up I put him to the side.

He shivered. So I decided to get up and take his clothes and my pants to the laundry. Then got to my room and got a basic pajama set, going back to the room and the boy.

I dressed him, clean boxers and pajamas. I was about to walk away. But he grabbed me. "S-tay..." I smiled at him.

"I'm going to shower then I'll be back. He sighed, laying back down. I went to shower. Once I finished I went back to his room.

I sighed looking at his little body. I walked towards his bed. He opened his eyes slowly. He smiled at me. Scooting over so I could lay with him.

I got in the bed and laid there. He put an arm around me, his wing also slightly surrounding me. I put an arm around his waist.

His snoring coming back as I soon drifted off as well. The morning came and I woke up. Going to prepare breakfast. Soon the boy woke up. 'What can I call you' I motioned towards him.

He shrugged. 'A human name?' He smiled and nodded. I looked at him then around. 'I'm going to name you after my pet duck when I was like five...'

He smiled even more his tail wagging. 'Alex' I motioned while saying "Alex" out loud.

He looked very happy, does he even remember last night. I got my answer when he went red. Looking at me.

He sat down slowly eating the food while looking at me. I looked at him. 'I'm going to teach you more English' he nodded slowly.

He looked at the food then me again. Smiling.

I wanted to go on a walk but I couldn't bring him out like that. If anyone saw what he was no doubt people would be after him.

I got up. Going over to him and he tensed up. I touched his wing. And it flapped. He turned towards me. 'Does, do they go away?' He smiled, putting them away. A little struggle involved.

I groaned. 'You mean you could've done that this entire time' Alex smiled. Nodding. I got dressed and so did he.

We walked out of the house and headed towards a park that had ducks. Once we got there he had the biggest smile on as he ran to them.

Everyone looked at him weird since none of the ducks were running. He picked one up petting it. "Quack Quack" the duck said. Alex smiled towards it.

And we continued our little walk. Having to put the duck back. He really enjoyed it and now I was teaching him English in the way home.

He was happy at my effort. He was now able to say "goodmorning" the things from before... "let's go out" and such. Basic things to communicate with me.

And it took the rest of the night to teach him that.

Soon, I'd be able to have an English conversation with him. And that to me felt like progress.

Yet here we are. Being idiots. Talking and laughing. (Barely though) I kissed his forehead and he smiled. Kissing my forehead.

I took him to his bed. Laying him down. 'I'll be in my room if you need me.' He nodded and I smiled.

I left him there, kissing him briefly on the lips.

I can't believe I actually fucking fucked a duck. I'm so screwed....I'm going to get to attached to this boy.

I sighed, closing his door walking to my room. I laid in my bed, looking at the ceiling.

"Goodnight Alex..." I sighed again, closing my eyes.

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