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"So, about the deal" I sigh before continue "I don't want any of your employee to know that I'm your wife" "wh-what no why?" Jimin said confuse. "Listen, I don't want anyone to thing that just because you are my husband, you cut some slack to make me your employee. Second, I don't want to sit in the same house as you" I said looking away as I see Jimin looking at me as if he's angry and confuse.

"Why?" Jimin said. "I'm not comfortable..living with you..." I said looking down at my hand. "Oh so you're comfortable sleeping and living at your 'boyfriends' house but not me? Your husband? You've never change huh Y/n?" Jimin said angry. "Don't bring up the past. You don't even know what really happened. So don't act as if you knew everything and for your fucking information, I'm more comfortable with them than you after what you did to me..you expect me to be okay living with you? Be real Jimin! Your fucking brain and remember what you did to me. Asked yourself if you deserve to be my husband" I said shouting at him. I grab my purse and walk out of the restaurant. I can see people were whispering and looking at us. I don't give a fuck. He make me living in pain and don't expect me to forgive him.


You sit at the bus stop and saw a taxi and got in. "Take me to ******" "Okay miss" "Thank you". You rest your head on the window and sigh.


"No! Jimin! let go of me!! Don't touch me ahhh!" bang! Jimin push you really hard on the wall. You body slam against the wall. Hard. "owww" You said as you sit up and rest your body on the wall. You looked up and see Jimin looking down at you. "Why jimin? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?! I DID NOTHING WRONG! HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE HER MORE THAN ME?!!" you shouted at Jimin as tears fall down your face. Jimin smirk and kneel down infront of you. "Of course, she have the evidence. You said you were sick! but you go out with other man?!! Wake up Y/N! You sure are a whore!" Jimin said standing up before kicking your stomach. He kick you over and over again. "Honey???" a girl voice. It's her. the girl that destroy your relationship with Jimin. It was never true. He won't even let me explain. I know she like Jimin. She was my friend. use to. not anymore. Jimin looked at you once again before leaving you in the sport room and locking it.


"Miss? Miss? are you okay?" "Huh?" "You're crying. here tissues" I touch my face and it was wet. ah.....

I sigh before taking the tissues and saying thank you. The taxi driver didn't ask anything anymore for the whole ride.

"We're here miss" The taxi driver said. It took me a second to realize I was already at my place. Yes my own house. well not a house. It just an studio apartment. Not too big Not too small plus I live alone. "How much is it?" I asked "*** won miss". After making the payment, I got out of the taxi and walk to my apartment.


I throw my purse on the bed and check the fridge. I don't come here often but I have a housekeeper who came here end of the weekends to fill up the fridge and clean the house. Nobody know I have an apartment. Even Hobi,Jin and suga. Even my own parents. If I tell them, huhu they going to tell me to sell this place and live with them. Well I already am but ahjsdgkhidfsg who give a fuck? This is my place. I pay for it. I take out some vegetables and chicken and cook chicken soup. I also cook some rice and eat while watching the TV.

After I clean the dishes I take showers and sleeps. Tired with all the drama.


your apartment - 8:30 AM - Next day

Ring ring ring!!

"Aish!" I close the alarm and the notification were...

What the fuck is wrong with this Jimin?! Why did he called me 50 time last night?!! is he crazy?!! the last time he called was at 7:55 AM. Wahh this man, who dies he think he is?! wait...that's mean I have a good sleep. I smile knowing that I have a good sleep. It's hard to sleep when you became a university student you know? and having to go home to the place that you don't feel safe at all.

I get ready and cook breakfast and watch TV. "ahhhh It's so boring!!!!" I said whining. Suddenly I remember Jimin call. oh shit! I grab my phone and look at the clock. what the fuck?! It's already 12??? I call Jimin. It only take few second and jimin pick up.

"Where are you?!" "where did you sleep last night?!" "I go to your 'boyfriends' house and you weren't there. Even they didn't know where you go. Last night was so cold! What if you get sick?!" Jimin said over the phone. worried.

I look at the phone weird as if it was Jimin face were on it. Didn't we have a fight last night? Does this man have double personality?

"Oi idiot! Can you hear me? I know you there!" Jimin said over the phone. I shake my head before answering. "It's none of your business where I sleep last night. Why did you call me so many time? huh? and why the hell you go to my friends house?! How the fuck you even know where their houses are?! What are you a stalker?!!!" I shouted at the phone. After that I can hear Jimin sigh. "What did you mean it's none of my business? I soon to be your husband Y/n, You are my business now and you are soon to be my wife so that's mean I'm also your business. Your mom were worried that you didn't come home with me last night. I said to her that you out for a walk and will be back at night but you didn't so your mom worried and I go try to find you but can't"

Mom? worried? cis! there's no way she's worried.

"Your mom or my mom?" I asked Jimin. "...." silence. "Your mom" Jimin answer. "There's no way she's worried about me Jimin. Be real Jimin" I said in disbelief. "She is. I'm not lying" Jimin said. "She must want something then. She always like that. I know her well" I said. "Hmmm. Y/n" Jimin said to me. "What?" I replied short. "Where are you?" Jimin asked again. "I said it's none of your business". Jimin sigh again. "but- nevermind. Let's meet and talk about the deal" Jimin said giving up. He knows how stubborn I am. After all he's my ex boyfriend.

"Fine, when? where?" I said agreed. "3:00 PM at *******. I'll pick you up" Jimin said. "No. I can go on my own" I said before hanging up.



note: was suppose to post this yesterday but I'm to tired from school so I'll be posting two chapter today!

the chapter 12 will be posted tonight at 10:00 PM MYS TIME.

Thank you a lot for reading this!!!

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