It wasn't enough for Darius and I so as soon as he turned eighteen he got is out of there. It was the best thing he ever did for me because under his wing and care I flourished. Mr and Mrs Grandin didn't even try looking for us when we left and I haven't talked to them in more than five years. I called them to inform them of Darius' death but their butler answered the phone. They never called back and I didn't brother trying again. I only called them out of respect not that I owed them anything. They were in my past just like the miserable life they had put me and my big brother through.

"There's some free seats." Jada points out to a free row in the middle.

There are six empty seats so we are all able to sit together.

"The nostalgia is really getting to me." Renee sniffs looking at all the students below us.

"Be cool Renee." Jada consoles patting her leg.

My highschool experience was fairly normal considering I grew up in the barracks. I did well in my studies, played sports, went to all the dances, dated a cute jock but broke it off before graduation since we were going to different colleges. I wasn't valedictorian but I loved my highschool experience. It moulded parts of me that I hold dear.

"Can you spot him?" Jada asks looking at all the students.

"I don't even know what he looks like." I retort.

"I'm sure I can find him on social media in just a few minutes." She says retrieving her phone but I snatch it away from her.

"Your stalker tendencies are wanting. We'll know the kid when his name gets called out." I reply giving her her phone back.

"Or I can just yell his name out right now." She grins at me and before I can stop her she does exactly that.

"Diego Delgado!!" She screams out loud like a lunatic.

Lots of people turn to us including half of the students so her plan fails.

"What is wrong with you?" I whisper yell already regretting asking her to tag along.

"I seriously thought that would work but I see the flaw in my plan now." She shrugs.

"Tom tame your woman before I tape her mouth shut and use your handcuffs to lock her to the chair." I warn.

"We'd actually quite like that." Jada grins giving Tom her sexy eyes.

"Gross... Tom." I grit out.

"I'll make sure she behaves." He assures me.

"I make no promises." Jada smirks.

I roll my eyes at her before focusing my gaze forward.

Much to my pleasure, the ceremony starts after five minutes once everyone has settled down. I wish I knew who Diego was but it doesn't matter, I will soon enough.

The event starts with a performance from the school choir, followed by too many speeches and one from the valedictorian that has Renee in tears.

Finally the part I have been waiting for begins and the principal starts calling the students onto the stage. I realize after the first ten students that they are going by last names in alphabetical order and they gets to the D's pretty fast.

"Diego Raul Delgado." The principal calls out and just like I expected all my friends go crazy.

The poor kid looks at the audience confused since he probably thought nobody would be cheering for him. I get caught up in my friends excitement and cheer for him too as he shakes his teachers hands and that of the principal before posing for a photo. I can see that he is still rattled by all the strangers cheering for him but I don't fail to notice the smile as he exits the stage.

MAMI ✔️ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ