Stage nine: Jealousy

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"So how did your date go, with you know who? Come on, tell me the details, don't leave me hanging..." Makomo drawled persistently as they headed to their first period with Madame Nakime.

"It was good, he was quite a gentleman,"Nezuko replied vaguely.

"Is that a blush I see? Oh, my gosh, you are blushing!" Makomo squealed giddily, which made Nezuko punch her lightly on the shoulder.

"Shut up," Nezuko retorted meekly.

"Hey, maybe next time, we can do a double date!" Makomo exclaimed delighted.

"Maybe, but let's keep it as low key as possible," Nezuko didn't want her friend to go through the trouble with the press.

"Don't worry, will wear sunglasses and hats. It's like we're going on an undercover date, much more exciting!" Makomo said optimistically as they headed into the classroom.

The moment they walked in; everyone in the classroom went silent. Daki walked up to them with a magazine in hand. She smirked at them and dangled the magazine in front of them.

"Gosh Nezuko, I didn't know you were such a prude?" Daki taunted as Makomo furiously grabbed the magazine from Daki.

It said:

Behind closed doors
Who would have known our bold and confident model had a shy side? That's right, our sweet Muichiro decided to take the first move, but Nezuko slams the door on him. It was quite cute and adorable. Will we see more of the shy side of Nezuko? Is it true that Muzan Kibutsuji, a new famous director, wants them to model in a music video during spring break? There is more than meets the eye for this young couple, what would they bring next!?

"They have no respect for privacy," Nezuko grumbled under her breath as she blushed at the unwanted picture.

"Privacy, huh? You still wouldn't make the moves on Muichiro, if you were the last people on Earth!" Daki commented snidely.

"You know what, Daki, at least Nezuko has self respect for herself. Unlike you, who just throws herself at available or even unavailable guys!" Makomo chimed in, which made everyone ooh. Daki scoffed at her before she stomped her way back to her desk.

"Well, I guess I have plans for spring break after all..." Nezuko said to no one in particular. Nezuko pondered over on who was Theo Barbot?

Time Skip

What Nezuko had gathered, Muzan Kibutsuji, directed music videos for singers. Nezuko liked him way better than Sanemi. The music video was called: "Breath Me to Life" by Kanao Tsuyuri. Nezuko was a huge fan of the dark rocker. Nezuko had downloaded all of her music on her iPod and even had some of her CDs. Her voice was raspy and so emotional. Nezuko would even admit she cried from one of her songs: "My Immortal", which was very sentimental for Nezuko

"I don't like him," Muichiro stated as Muzan went out for a moment to get Kanao.

"How come? I like him," Muzan was only in his early twenties, so she maybe had a little crush on him. Unknown to her, Muichiro could tell, and he didn't like it. Muichiro also didn't like how Muzan looked at her. If Muichiro was a cat, his tail would twitch uncontrollably.

"No particular reason," Muichiro replied gruffly, which made Nezuko frown in confusion.

"We're back!" Theo exclaimed jubilantly with Kanao by his side.

Nezuko eamed as she made their way towards them. " Kanao, I am a huge fan, I love your work! You are so talented and so pretty. You bring so much soul in your music! You're fantastic!" Nezuko jumbled with a blush.

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