Stage Seven: Let Him Eat Cake

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"If I didn't know any better, Nezuko. I would say you're trying to fatten me up like Hansel and Gretel," Muichiro commented as she gave him another apple strudel.

"If you want, I can always take this back," Nezuko replied cheekily. She made an attempt to grab his plate, but he covered it with his hands.

"Nope, it's fine, Princess. If you're planning to fatten me up for your entire kingdom, I'm willing to be your hot turkey!" Muichiro exclaimed passionately.

"That doesn't even make any sense," Nezuko said as she shook her head.

They were eating the delicious pastries in her room, with her door wide opened, of course. The moment her and Muichirowalked into the bakery; her parents loved him immediately. She knew it had a lot to do with Muichiro being the perfect gentleman when he introduced himself. Nezuko would get whiplash from the rapid personality change of his. It reminded her of a light switch: on meant facade and off meant unmasked. For some reason, Nezuko hoped that Muichiro would show this side of him more often. Honestly, she liked him being a cheeky little shit, even though he would push her buttons sometimes. Nonetheless, she liked genuine people, not people who hid behind their intangible mask.

"Hey Muichiro , how come you don't show this side of yourself more?" Nezuko asked casually.

"What do you mean?" He asked quietly.

"You know, the more flirtatious and cheeky side. To me, you seem to enjoy yourself more and more relaxed..." Nezuko said thoughtfully.

"I wish I could, but I can't. My image to the famous world is sealed, and yours as well." Muichiro noted with heavy pity.

"There was no contract on how we're supposed to act. We're people, not puppets, silly," Nezuko disagreed innocently.

"Princess, you're so innocent, it's almost comical. We're objects, Nezuko, nothing more and nothing less," Muichiro disclosed as he made his way to her balcony.

"Hey, wait just a darn minute!" Nezuko bellowed as she followed after him.

It was a bit chilly out, despite it being spring. She wrapped her arms around herself and made her way towards Muichiro. Muichiro seemed to be captivated by the moon, so he didn't notice her presence. They stood in silence, taking in what the twinkling sky had to offer them.

"I don't see you as an object, do you?" Nezuko piqued suddenly.

"I do, Nezuko. All my life, I've had a camera being thrown at my face," he excessively moved his hands on his face, "I put on a show, I manipulate people, and I play Kokushibo's game..." He said the last part to himself, but she heard him.

"Who's Kokushibo?" Nezuko's pressed with a hint of dread.

"Kokushibo? He owns the Akuma business, while my uncles Michikatsu & Yorichii Tsugikuni are just a stand in. I hope you never have to meet him, if you do, please be wary of him." Nezuko hadn't encountered Kokushibo yet, but she could gather he was bad news.

"I never knew a grown man had a thing for games," Nezuko commented lightly, hoping it would ease the tension. Sadly, it didn't.

"If it's a game that controls your life, then I guess no one is too old for games," Muichiro remarked bitterly.

"Anyways, he won't bother you, I made sure of that," Muichiro declared confidently.

"Is that why you're so tired lately?" Nezuko asked without thinking.

"What do you mean? I've only been tired because I don't have a cuddly bear," Muichiro answered while he wiggled his eyes suggestively.

"Oh stop, you know what I mean. Anyways, I don't need your protection, so take care of yourself more instead." Nezuko said stubbornly.

"Oh really, you seemed to handle yourself well with Sanemi earlier," Muichiro stated snarky.

Nezuko's heeks reddened at his statement. She still hated herself when she got emotional at Sanemi's insults. She needed to be stronger and take in harsh criticism better. Nezuko knew for a fact that not all people were nice in the world. However, she needed to deal with them, even though they were gigantic jerks. Tomorrow, when she encountered Sanemi, she was just going to shake him off. Quote by Taylor Swift personally: "Haters going to Hate, but just shake it off."

"It was a one time thing. In fact, I needed that as a wake up call. It taught me to grow stronger and not let things get to me," Nezuko retaliated strongly.

"If you say so, Princess. I have to admit, I do admire your spunk," Muichiro complemented with an easy grin.

"So does that mean you'll stop doing whatever is you're doing with Kokushibo?" Nezuko pressed with puppy eyes.

He tapped her nose affectionately. "I might, if you do me a tiny little favor?"

"And what is that?" Nezuko implied with a gulp.

"Wanna go on a publicized date?"

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