𝟏𝟐 | '𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠'

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Andrew's pov

My stomach makes a knot every time I talk to someone about it, it's hard to look them in the eye and try to tell them something they can't even imagine what you've been through, but then they just look at you with sad eyes, treat you like a rare commodity, making you feel more like shit. Unfortunately that is all they manage to do.
Maggie let a few tears slip, Amelia stared at Maggie to distract herself and I tried to focus on Meredith to understand what she was feeling.
I know her story, I know everything she's been through, I know her character, I know her. And now she hides her emotions, not realizing that she broke herself more. All I want to do is go to her, stand next to her, kiss her, whisper that I love her. Because that's all I've done so far.
But when I finished speaking she takes out a black bag and heads for the exit, away from everything and everyone. I got up to follow her, but Amelia taked my arm to stop me without saying anything, she just shaked her head. Maggie got up to go to the bathroom, Amelia tried to formulate a complete sentence, but Meredith's voice interrupted everything. I stiffened when I heard her screaming, her voice was very angry, I wondered who she was talking to.
"Go away from here!!!" Amelia and I got up having heard enough, all I could see was a man in front of her.
"Nick?!" I could hear the contempt in Amelia's voice, I preferred to keep quiet so as not to create more confusion, but can someone explain to me who the fuck is this man?
Later Maggie came back too, quite confused, but with exactly the same reaction as Amelia. Meredith kept yelling at him. I was more and more confused.
Maggie tried to calm Meredith, Amelia motioned for the man to leave. I heard him say something like 'I still love you Meredith!' and it didn't take a genius to put two and two together.
I'm not angry about this. It's been five years, I'd even say I'm happy that she's managed to move forward. But he seems to make her feel bad, and I don't like that at all. Who knows what he dared to do to her.
I guess I don't remember ever seeing her so angry, he almost hurts me. Then she begins to whip up a speech about a betrayal that she's apparently been going on for a while, and a baby girl, his daughter. I see Maggie and Amelia walk away saying nothing, they knew they weren't going to help. I am completely shocked. Such an asshole can make a person he cares about feel so bad, I can't even get over it.
He tries to mumble something, but as soon as I see her completely broken with tears streaming down her cheeks I walk over, not giving a damn about standing in front of her boyfriend. I'd punch him.
"Mer..." I whisper softly trying to hug her. She doesn't react to my touch, she remains immobilized.
"Excuse me, who are you?" the man's voice clearly referring to me sounds unpleasant. "Wow, you talk about me but I thought you were more mature Meredith" he kept talking about her, who clearly didn't want him around anymore. The arrogance with which he refers to her pisses me off.
"Excuse me?" I intervene keeping calm.
"So you must be her new comfort person?" Meredith jerked her gaze up at him, almost glaring at him.
After that sentence I couldn't even think anymore. Not only he made her feel bad, he also has the nerve to insult her. With this he has insulted me, he has insulted us. I couldn't resist, I lunged at him hitting him with a punch straight in the face, so hard that it pushed him backwards making him lose his balance.
Maggie and Amelia stop us before we could continue, he gets up dabbing the blood that was coming from his nose with his hand. Judging by the condition of my hand, I may have even broken it.
Amelia somehow convinces Nick to leave, closing the door and letting out a sigh of relief at the end. Meredith was in complete shock, she hadn't added anything else to what had just happened.
Maggie checked my hand and taked me into the living room to medicate it, and before leaving I looked at Meredith one last time.

Narrator's pov

Amelia pulled the phone out of her pocket and it rang before she could even face Meredith.
It was a message from Link, Scout had a fever.

"Fuck" she said. "I have to go, sorry" she took the jacket that was hanging up and put it on quickly.

"I can come if you want" Meredith said having noticed her concern.

"Are you sure?" Amelia asked her taking the kays of the car. Meredith just nodded, she just wanted something that didn't stress her out. She was tired of feeling emotions.

"Okay, well, thanks!" Amelia sighed before stepping out to go to the car. Indeed she needed her. Meredith joined her and sat next to her.

She watched out the window, thinking back as much as she tried not to. Nick had crossed a line, she had no idea what to do with him now.
And Andrew had stepped in for her. He literally beat him. By now she's lost count of the things he's done for her.

If only she could erase her feelings with an I hate you... The affection for Nick was still there. God, she hated herself for this.

A/n: so sorry for the wait, I wasn't feeling good :(
But always hoping that the chapters are appreciated <3

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