Stage one: Audition

Start from the beginning

"Why did they chose such a distasteful, wallpaper color?" Nezuko asked out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" The secretary asked with a hint of hidden amusement in her tone.

"They could have used any other color, but they had to choose that ugly; bright yellow. It doesn't express well with the personality, given by the photos on it. The models on there look disconsolate and haunted, not at all energetic for a bright color." Nezuko articulated as she felt the designer in her pop out.

"You're quite a sharp one, just like Muichiro . I hope the boss chooses you because Muichiro could benefit you as his partner." The secretary whispered to herself.

"What did you say?" Nezuko asked curiously.

"Nothing important, we're here," The secretary knocked on the door before she opened it fully.

Nezuko gulped as she pictured herself as a lamb being thrown into the lion's den. Mr. Tokito stood up in a intimidated manner from his desk. He gazed at Nezuko through his spectacles, with his lips in a hard line, and addressed his secretary in a cold tone.

"That will be all, Makime. Please be alert when I need the next potential model,"

"Yes sir,"Nakime replied before she closed the door behind her.

"Nezuko Kamado , is that correct?" He asked, but it was more of a statement.

"Yes sir," Nezuko confirmed as she lingered at the door.

"There are possibly way more beautiful girls auditioning for this particular job. What makes you stand out than those other girls?" Nezuko knew she shouldn't have come.

The words that came out of Mr. Tokito's mouth made her insecure. Nezuko wasn't confident or prettier like those other girls, but Nezuko knew for a fact that she wanted to suppress herself.

Nezuko walked forward with her head held high. She looked at Mr. Tokito dead in the eye and didn't falter in the slightest.

"Things come easier if you have a pretty face for this industry. Unlike those girls, I want to suppress a pretty face to something more bewitching." Nezuko said strongly.

"Quite a good verdict. Please follow me to the back, I'm quite intrigued to see how you are for the camera with my son." Nezuko gulped when he mentioned his son.

"Muichiro's here!?" Nezuko squeaked when he led her in another small room from his office.

Nezuko aw a bunch of cameras, with a couple photographers behind it, and in the middle stood a God on a white platform- Muichiro Tokito.

"How are we supposed know you're a good partner for my son, if you don't model with him?" Mr. Tokito asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I guess you're right," Nezuko replied with a forced laugh.

Nezuko iterally thought she would have to model by herself. Not with the one and only Muichiro Tokito by her side. Her heart wasn't prepared for this yet, she needed more time to compose herself.

"Muichiro , this is your next potential model," Nezuko blushed when Mr. Tokito announced her to Muichiro .

Muichiro smiled at her when she caught his attention. He waved at her jubilantly, which made her weakly wave back at him. Nezuko slowly made her way towards Muichiro and felt so small next to him.Muichiro wore designer jeans, with a black t-shirt, and his beautiful black to mint blue green hair style in a low ponytail . Nezuko on the other hand, she wore black leggings, with a pink sweater, and her hair was in a high ponytail.

Muichiro tuck his hand out, "My name is Muichiro Tokito, what's your name?" He inquired chivalrously. Nezuko almost thought she heard a choir of angels singing when he talked.

"Nezuko Kamado," She replied before she looked at anywhere but him.

"Alright, you know what to do Nezuko. You have to give the gal a peck on the cheek for the photo," The photographer said with a grin. Nezuko blushed like a red tomato at the photographer's statement. Scratch that, the photographer's death sentence upon her.

Throughout the photo shoot; Nezuko avoided Muichiro's lips like they were the plague. Nezuko ducked when his lips came in contact with her cheek. Nezuko made scary faces when he got too close to her. Probably the most mortifying thing she did was when she crawled under him to get away from his frantic hands.

"Miss Kamado , is there a problem?" Mr. Tokito asked while being aggravated with the young girl's obnoxious actions.

"No, not at all," She said uneasily as she stood up.

"Father, maybe it's best we do another pose for the shoot. I even think the kissing part is a bit inappropriate." Muichiro said in her defense with a blush.

"Muichiro , the other girls you smooched with didn't have a problem. We should not give Miss Kamado special treatment from the others," He responded simply. Muichiro gave her a pitying look before he put his hand behind his neck nervously.

Nezuko took a deep breath as she calmed herself down. She needed to do this. Nezuko came here to prove herself that she's more than a timid character. Boldly, without even realizing it, she gave Muichiro Tokito a chaste kiss on the cheek. The flash of the camera brought her back to reality.

She squealed out loud and stared at Muichiro's dumbfounded face. "I'm so sorry, this was a mistake, I need to go. Thanks for the opportunity and your time, bye!" Nezuko stuttered out before she dashed out of the room.

"I have to say, this is probably one of my favorite photos so far," The photographer said when he showed Muichiro and Mr. Tokito the photo.

"What do you think, Muichiro?" Mr. Tokito asked with a knowing smile.

"I want her," Muichiro said with a smirk.

All traces of Muichiro's facade of being princey was gone. In place was his true self; a devious cat that was always up to no good.

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