Chapter Six We Miss You

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Narrator's POV:

It didn't take long for news to travel fast about Steven's disappearance. Especially when the gems were contacted by his therapist, whom he was supposed to check in with every week. A week had gone by, and she had gotten no answer from him. She worried that maybe he had gone off the deep end again, hurt himself or others.

Suddenly a huge article had been posted online about a dondai that was rolled onto it's side on the side of the road. It was completely totaled, there were spots of dry blood around the car, but then she read another vehicle was involved containing a family of three. She nearly fell out of her chair in horror that the family didn't survive, the car had been burnt to a crisp with the whole family inside.

But she knew Steven would never hurt a soul, she knew there was something definitely wrong, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was.

Dalmarva police were sent out to investigate, Connie's dad, Doug was the first one on the case. Fire fighters were about to tip Steven's car back off it's side. Police investigated every inch of his car to make sure there wasn't something they were missing. Doug tried keeping his lunch down, avoiding all eye contact with the other car. The burnt smell of ashes of a corpse sneaking their way into his nose.

In their search they found his phone smashed into tiny bits, so no evidence could be obtained from it. Fire fighters had hosed the other car down and extracted the burnt bodies of a mother, father and an innocent little girl, their mouths wide open like they had been screaming for hours in that fire, trapped with no way out.

"Doug you may wanna take a look at this?," A Paramedic called him over to the bodies that were being placed in black sealed bags.

Even though he didn't want to, he took a deep breath and walked over. " What is it?" He asked.

The paramedic pointed at all three of the families heads, all with a bullet hole in each one. His eyes widened at this discovery. Something more happened here that not even they could realize.

Back at the temple, word traveled fast to the gems and his dad, Greg who had started to live with them do to Steven's request.

Garnet immediately split apart into Ruby and Sapphire, releasing every bit of tears they could. It wasn't long before Pearl started crying, then Amethyst, there family had been torn apart. Connie started struggling in her studies at College due to Steven being gone. So much that she was sent home on a mental leave. She was grateful they understood, she was their top A student.

Lapis, Bismuth, and Peridot did not take the news well. They almost lashed out at the others for even letting him go In the first place, believing truly it was their fault that this happened. But over time their hatred turned into sadness, their anger into grief.

Lapis flew everywhere she possibly could to hopefully if she could, catch a glimpse of Steven somewhere. He was her best friend and she was determined to find him. Peridot went to work on inventing a gem tracker with some of Steven's hair from a brush. Bismuth went to work in her forge, creating weapons to use on the people who could take her little buddy away.

Meanwhile in the rest of Beach City it wasn't the same anywhere. The cool kids, Lars, Sadie, Onion, Vidalia, everyone was destroyed by this news. Missing posters were stapled almost everywhere in Beach City, hoping someone would have any information.

Weeks had gone by, with still no word on Steven's where abouts. Police had given up their search, closing the case. In everyone eyes Steven Quartz Universe was gone, forever.

This is a bit of a short chapter, I do apologize but I don't want to drag it out. And on another I am sorry that it's been so long since a chapter has been posted, months actually. Life has just not been going exactly as planned, but I haven't forgotten about any of you here. Anyway, stay tuned because a second chapter is on it's way, so I will see you all in the next one, laters. :)

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