Chapter Four Finding Answers

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Steven's POV:

I open my eyes as the sun beams down upon me from the Alleyway that I slept in. Soldiers roam the streets. This is the only safe place I have at the present moment. What was this all about? The soldiers, the crimson liquid that was injected into my body, the thought processed through my head over and over with no answers in sight.

My eyes narrowed down the end of the alleyway where people were walking by, going about their usual day. My thoughts crossed back to last night, the soldier I consumed, I may just have an idea of what I'm going to do. I'm taking my plan into action as I command my body to don his disguise. Tendrils with an aura surround my body, and in a mere second, I became him again.

His rifle rests on the ground as I lean down to grab it. Let's see if there's any base or anything I can get more information. With my plan in mind, I make my way out of the alleyway that was my only hiding place.

People passed me by with very little glances. They almost felt uneasy around me, which already set off red flags. These were no ordinary soldiers. Something more was going on, and I was going to find out. I hope whatever this power is, my body maintains long enough.

My eyes glance around at all the lit up buildings and signs around me. I wondered where I was, where my true home, or more of the fact, did I even have a home. So many questions with very little answers, so damn frustrating.

Eventually, with enough walking, I see a base up ahead. It almost looked like a checkpoint of some kind. They must've tightened security when I escaped. Gotta keep it cool, or I'm sure my body will give out, and all of this will be for nothing.

I am slowly making my way up with my rifle held in both of my hands, walking exactly as they would do so.

"Ah, lieutenant Jones, you're just in time. The meeting is about to start inside," One of the Black Watch soldiers points his finger at the building behind him.

I nod and walk past them, heading inside the small building. When I make my way inside, I'm surrounded by multiple different Black Watch lieutenants and generals. One guy in particular who stood out of all of them was dressed in a lab coat.

"I'm sure you all know why you were gathered here today," the man spoke, addressing everyone who was present in the room.

One walked up him, "Is it about the missing test subject, Steven Universe?"

So that's my name? That at least answers one of many questions I have.

"We were informed late last night that test subject Steven Universe had escaped the morgue after being mortally wounded from multiple different gunshots," He took a pause for a moment before a smile curved his lips. "This is wonderful news. It means that Black light has finally been perfected, either that or with his gem DNA, that's how he survived."

Gem DNA? What the hell is he talking about? I'm human... right?

The man turns to a giant board in the middle of the room before clicking a remote that projects an image upon the screen. There was a boy, no more than 5 foot sporting a pink jacket with a white trim, and a black t-shirt. Was that me? It couldn't be.

"This is Steven Universe, at least what he used to look like. Due to the virus effects, it has accelerated his age by a wide margin. He is very dangerous, so by any means, do not take him on alone. We're completely positive about what other abilities this virus will give him. Bottom line I need him captured, alive, not dead."

One of the soldiers behind me scoffs, "That's easier said than done DR Mercer. It was your fault in the first place that this happened. It should be your job to clean your shit up, not us slaves."

He must've not take that comment well as he walked up to the soldier. In no second flat, a gun was pointed out, aimed directly at his head. There was no time to react before Mercer pulled the trigger, and a loud bang resonates throughout the room as blood and parts of the soldier brain splatters the floor. His body collapses to the ground, limp.

"Anyone else have any objections?" He says before looking directly at me. "What about you Jones, have any problem with the mission?"

"No sir, your orders will be carried out as you see fit," I respond calmly before his angry expression softens, and his smile returns.

"That's more like it," He walks back up to the front as I look down at the soldier that had his brains painted all over the floor.

"Now back to what we were discussing," His finger clicks on the switch as another image appears. It was a nice beach house, but a peculiar statue lined the front of the cliff. "This is where he lives with a gem group called the crystal gems. They're an alien race that long invaded this planet years ago and have made a home for themselves here. Steven is a hybrid of a human and a gem."

Everyone around me exchanged looks of confusion at what they were seeing.

Mercer clicks the remote again and an image of 3 gems appear, one was tall, lanky with a gem on her head, the other was short, chubby and a bit purple with a gem on her chest. The last was taller, with a bit of muscle, shades that covered her eyes, and two rings on both of her hands.

"These are his guardians. Apparently, his mother died giving birth to him, and the father currently lives with them now. There are others, but I won't drag this on. For now, find Steven Universe. He is somewhere in this city. Find him at any cost that is an order!"

"Yes, sir!" We all saluted towards him before we all made our way out of the building.

That bastard, he did this to me... those gems, I swear I know them, but from where. They are my guardians? Beach City, where is that? I was still lost, but at least I had some answers better than none. But Dr. Mercer, he's ruthless. That poor guy had no chance to react before his life was ended in the snap of a finger.

At least I have some answers. For now, it's time to find a hiding place and come up with the next plan. I'm getting the hell out of this city and get back to Beach City.

I was feeling inspired while I was at work. After so long of this not being updated, I can safely say that it is being continued. I hope y'all are prepared for what I have in store. It only gets darker from here. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and you all have a great night or day. See you in the next one.  :)

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