Some members of the Death Eaters stood around him nervously, not knowing how to speak to him. Then, Avery stood beside him cautiously.

"What do you plan to do next, Tom?" he asked him. Tom didn't turn to look at him. Instead he just sighed and looked at the wolf pendant around his neck.

"Kill every single Muggle and Mudblood in our way." he muttered lowly, making sure that the Professors couldn't hear his evil plans. Avery nodded, and smirked at the other members of Tom's gang in amuesment.

Tom's gang liked his plan. Very much. Tom smirked and glared at Dumbledore with the corner of his eye.

He was going to become the greatest sorcerer of all time. He was going to become immortal. And he was going to figure out a way to bring his love back to life again.


There had to be a way. If he became immortal, he would have all the time in the world to think about how to revive her. The sound of becoming immortal was music to his ears.

Tom then diverted his gaze towards some of the students he actually knew. Severus, Lily, James, and the rest of the Gryffindor gang.

He lowered his gaze as he had expected to see (Y/N) chattering amongst them happily, with a bright smile on her beautiful face.

But of course.

Eyes never play tricks.


"Tom!!! Tom, can you hear me?!" (Y/N) sighed as she tugged at Tom's arm. But her hands just went through him, and she was sure that he couldn't even feel her presence.

(Y/N) run a hand through her hair, and groaned in stress. She wanted to reunite with her other half, but what could she possibly do even he couldn't even hear her?

She wasn't one of the ghosts who could talk and communicate with real-life people, unfortunately.

And Tom wouldn't waste his time on making a potion that could make him communicate with ghosts. He was too busy making Horcruxes and thinking on how to gain immortality.

Why did he want to become immortal, anyway? To be honest, (Y/N) would have expected him to become depressed and do something that would bring him closer to death.

(Y/N) clenched her fists. 'Don't think such selfish things! I should be happy that he's doing well without me.'

But he didn't look very happy at all. She could now rarely see him smile, and saw that he just killed and mocked people most of the time.

It made her tired and weak to see all the cruel things that her love did. Tom had turned...different ever since she died.

Did she have to keep on watching him? She could just go to Heaven and reunite with whoever she had to.

But she knew that if Tom actually decided to execute his dark desires and plans, he would never be able to come to Heaven to meet her again.

So she was going to wait.

She was going to wait until Tom managed to figure out she was waiting for him. Or in a much more longer way.
That was...

Until he died.

Did she have the patience? Yes. There was no questioning it. After all, it was all for her love.

Tom Marvolo Riddle.


Tom sat down below a massive tree as he started to write down in his diary. He had to get his diary ready to preserve a memory so that another person could re-open the Chamber of Secrets in the future.

But as he looked at the diary, he saw the dandelion keychain hanging on it, and it made him flinch.

(Y/N)'s gift to him. The one she had given to him on Christmas.

"Isn't it beautiful? I found it at Hogsmeade yesterday, and thought you would like-"

"Thank you...Thank you so much."

And then he had given her the locket. As his present to her.

"It looks perfect on you."

"Thank you, Tom. I...I'm honoured."

"Come on. We have to go to the Christmas Feast, no?"

"Of course! Let's go!"

He sighed, trapped in the memories of the past. He held the dandelion keychain in his hand, and wondered if he would ever be able to see the beautiful smile of (Y/N)'s again.

It felt just like yesterday he had danced with (Y/N) at the Yule Ball on Christmas. He flexed his jaw and hissed lowly, anger suddenly taking over him as he thought of the Animagi Hunters.

But it didn't concern him as much. Besides, who cared about them? He had killed them swiftly a few days before. But he never forgot their names.

Amanda, and...


Tom shook his head and erased the thought. His first priority had to be his love. (Y/N). Tom then held the keychain firmly, and held it against his chest.

"Don't worry, my love. I will bring you back. I will make you mine again.

So please, wait for me."

"I'm waiting, Tom. But please, don't do anything bad..."

"I'm begging you..."


Sorry this chapter is kinda bad XD
But I promise it will get better soon! This FanFiction will have a good ending, I promise!!

Also, this FanFiction has only a few chapters left!

Dunno if that's a good or bad thing.

And thank you guys so SO much for reading this FanFiction! I am so honoured😭😭💞💞💞💕💕

Anyways, that's it for now!✌️



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