~.+Missing You+.~

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Snow had melted, and warmth started to come back slowly.
It had already been a few weeks since (Y/N) had passed away. The funeral had ended, and many attended. But now, Hogwarts had opened its gates, preclaiming the end of the Winter Holidays.

But only a few people knew that (Y/N) was no longer able to attend the school with them. Most of the students thought that she was sick, or had a logical reason not to come to school. But they were dead wrong.

Lily and Molly had shared the news with James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, and Arthur. The Gryffindor gang kept their mouths shut, but the teachers already knew about her death. But they too didn't say a word about it.

And Tom felt disgusted. He thought that they were too scared to admit something as deep and dark as death. But little did he know, he was too scared to accept it as well.

Tom had left (Y/N)'s home and returned to Hogwarts, and now had no one talk to and hang out around.
He lost his partner to study with.

He lost...everything.

But he wasn't the only one. The Gryffindor gang didn't believe her death at first. But time made them realise they had actually lost their closest friend.

Lily and Molly cried for a few days. James felt upset, but didn't really show it on the outside. Sirius looked rather sad, because he and (Y/N) often used to wrestle each other in their Animagus forms.

Remus grieved as soon as he heard about her death, while Peter didn't really grieve or feel sad at all. The two were never that close. But all the other members of the Gryffindor gang were.

They were all in grief. But no one was in more grief other than him. Tom. He never spoke to anyone for a few days, not even to the teachers. He always fiddled with the wolf necklace, and his eyes were blank and dull.

Students could no longer see him smile, since his love was not nearby anymore. Some saw this as an opportunity to get closer to him. But they didn't stand a chance against the Snake.

Though Severus didn't know what happened, he sometimes looked at (Y/N)'s empty seat with slight concern showing on his usually dark face.

But secrets were never meant to be kept. Someone somehow heard that (Y/N) had died, and the rumour spread very quickly. The Slytherins also heard, and they started to hate Muggles even more for taking away their friend.

Severus also looked quite shocked. Pretty soon, (Y/N)'s grave was surrounded by flowers and letters mourning her death.


Tom stood at the balcony of the clocktower and looked at the dark sky with a blank expression on his handsome face. He had a dandelion in his hands, and he looked it, and sighed.

He remembered the times he had given (Y/N) several dandelions when she was alive. But now, he had no one to give it to. He blew it and watched the seeds fly away. To him, it looked sad. Sad but beautiful.

 Sad but beautiful

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