~.+A Shy Request+.~

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"(Y/N), (Y/N)!!!" Lily exclaimed, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand in excitement. "Look! It's snowing!!! Christmas is coming!" Indeed it was. It was snowing much more than when they had gone to Hogsmeade.
It was almost a snowstorm.

Molly trailed up to them. "Speaking of Christmas...you two do know that the Yule Ball is coming soon, right?" Lily nodded. "Of course!" She then turned to (Y/N) curiously. "Do you have a date?"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "What do you think? Of course I don't." Molly hit her back, making (Y/N) glare at her.

"What did you do that for?!" she demanded, pouting. Molly laughed. "Stop lying. I know you have a date."
Lily nodded as she heard Molly's words.

"Yeah! I bet your date is Rid-!"

Lily didn't get to finish as (Y/N) put her hand over her mouth. She had a good reason to, as Tom was walking through the same corridor as them. He passed the three of them, nodding in greeting to (Y/N) as he did.

As he fully disappeared from view,
(Y/N) removed her hand from Lily's mouth. Lily coughed and pouted.
"Consider yourself lucky that I didn't lick your hand."

(Y/N) grimaced playfully. "Yeah, thanks a lot." There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
"And stop teasing me. I already know someone who's dying to ask you two out."

Both of the girl's faces went red at the same time. It was quite funny. Lily and Molly blushed and slapped (Y/N)'s arm in embarrassment. Had they always been that strong?

The two ran away from her with red faces, and (Y/N) started to think. She didn't really care that no one had asked her to the Ball yet. She was just eager to go home tomorrow after the Ball for the Christmas Holidays. But it got her wondering.

Was Tom going to stay? He lived in an orphanage, so (Y/N) doubted he would want to go there. She cleared her head and headed to class. Transfiguration, one of the subjects she was best at.

Today, Slytherin had their Transfiguration class with Ravenclaw, a House they didn't have any rivalry with. Well...not as much as the Gryffindors as least.

She headed to sit down next to Tom which she had done successfully, which was quite unexpected since girls always were in competition to sit next to him. But ever since the cauldron incident, they never showed up in front of her.

It was nice, but she sincerely hoped that Tom didn't do anything...harsh to them.
The Professor entered the classroom and started to teach. (Y/N) could understand the lesson quite well, since Transfiguration was her best subject.

But she felt someone staring at her back, and no, it wasn't Tom. Instead, it was a Ravenclaw student. She turned to look at him, and he smiled warmly at her. She recognized him; he was Ravenclaw's Prefect. He run a hand through his brown hair and smiled again.

(Y/N) just smiled back awkwardly, and turned her back to him to listen to the Professor. As class ended, (Y/N) picked up her books and followed Tom out of the classroom. She wanted to ask him about the deal, but she was stopped by the Ravenclaw Prefect. Tom didn't notice, and walked away.

"Hey there." he greeted her with warm, green eyes. "I'm Luke Zackilan (Made up)." (Y/N) smiled nervously.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Do you want to talk about something?"

Luke blushed and held out a letter. As (Y/N) took it, he ran away, leaving her standing in the middle of the corridor. (Y/N) blinked in confusion, and headed to the Slytherin common room.

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