~.+Cruel Fate+.~

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Moonlight shone through the window as Tom studied on the kitchen table with a lamp lighting the words up for him to read. He was focused, and his face was dull in exhaustion.

"Still studying, Tom?" a voice asked sleepily. Tom turned his head to see (Y/N) walking towards him, and her presence instantly brought a smile to his face.

"Indeed." he answered, pulling out the seat next to him for her to sit down on. "You should go to sleep, love. I will follow you soon after."
But (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

"That's quite funny coming from you. You should get some sleep yourself. It's been almost 5 hours."
Tom sighed and rubbed his neck. "Very well. Come on."

As (Y/N) didn't move, Tom grabbed her body and held her bridal style, making (Y/N) blush furiously.
"What are you doing?!" she exclaimed with an embarrassed face.

Tom smirked playfully. "Why? Flustered, much?"
(Y/N) looked away, pouting. "N-no."
Tom chuckled, kissing her forehead as he carried her to their room.
"Most likely." he said sarcastically.

He then gently set her down on the bed, and (Y/N) took her slippers off.

She then yawned and got into bed. Tom followed her on the bed and purred.
"(Y/N)?" Tom whispered, playing with her hair. "Yeah, Tom?"
"When we get older and graduate, will you be my wife?"

(Y/N) almost coughed to death. Wasn't it a bit too early to discuss marriage? But to be honest, it didn't matter to her. After all, it was Tom who was asking her this.

Tom Marvolo Riddle. The love of her life.

"Of course. I'll be happy to." she responded, earning her a kiss on the back of her neck. "Promise?" Tom asked her. (Y/N) nodded.
"I promise."
Tom grinned and snuggled closer.

"Goodnight, love." Tom whispered as the two lay down together on the bed. He grabbed her waist from behind and buried his face in her hair.

"Goodnight, Lord Voldemort." (Y/N) replied sleepily. Tom chuckled softly as he heard his recreated name. He hummed and tightened his grip on her waist.
Her life was perfect. (Y/N) felt Tom kissing her ear softly as she floated off to sleep.

~.+In the Morning+.~

Light shone down into the room from the window, making (Y/N) blink awake. Another new day she had to spent with Tom. No complaints. She was happy to be with him. Hopefully she could be with him forever.

(Y/N) pryed herself away from Tom's arms and got up from bed. Ever since she had gotten captured, Tom worked late into the night for several days to make sure their house was secure.
So (Y/N) thought she could thank him with some breakfast.

Tom had always gotten up early, so (Y/N) had felt bad. But today was going to be different. (Y/N) started to cook for Tom, and prepared all the stuff by herself. She was experienced with this kind of stuff.

As she put the eggs and bacon on the plates, she heard footsteps coming down from the stairs.
"Why are you up so early?" he slurred, obviously sleepy.
(Y/N) smiled as she set the cutlery on the table.

"What do you think? I'm making you breakfast."
Tom's eyes widened and he sighed. " I feel...sorry."

(Y/N) shook her head. "Don't be. You made me breakfast countless times, so it's just right for me to make you breakfast at least once."
Tom didn't answer, and sat at his seat reluctantly.

(Y/N) sat next to him and started to eat her hand-made breakfast. As the food touched her taste buds, she was satisfied with her results. She then glanced at Tom, who had just taken a bite out of her food.

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