05. shop till you drop

Start from the beginning

Izuku hesitated before speaking again. "Do you think... it's because we ran into Kacchan earlier today? You're really strong, but I wouldn't blame you if you were a bit frightened. He tends to have that effect on people."

"No way," you chuckled. "I'm not scared of that bully one bit."

"Oh. M-My bad," he said sheepishly. "What kind of nightmare was it, if you don't mind me asking? Was it one of those super random ones where you can't predict what sort of scary stuff might happen next?"

Your lips settled into a grimace.

The very opposite, actually. It was completely predictable, and that's the part that terrifies me. Because it's not pure fiction.

"Kind of," you lied. There was no point in confessing your fears to him. All it would do was probably get you kicked out of the house with nowhere to live. Izuku was a good guy, so you knew you had to tell him about your past eventually, but... you were just too scared right now. You needed a bit more time to prepare yourself.

Then, no matter what his reaction was-even if he was disgusted beyond belief and no longer wanted anything to do with you-you'd have no choice but to accept it.

Izuku offered you a timid smile. "Okay. I get it. Sorry if it felt like I was being too nosy. Nightmares aren't real, even if they sometimes feel that way. Everything's going to be okay, so don't let it get you down... alright?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Izuku."

You appreciated his kindness, and it hurt that he didn't even realize the sort of risk he was taking just by being around you. But you didn't exactly have a way around it. One way or another, you needed to become strong enough to resist succumbing to your urges. It was the only way forward. You never wanted to be the reason for another person's suffering. Never again.

Izuku stayed with you for a bit longer, and once some time had passed, you were feeling a lot better than before. He walked you to your room and smiled encouragingly, after which you both said goodnight.

You didn't expect to fall asleep as easily as you did. No more nightmares plagued your thoughts, and the next time your eyelids fluttered open, it was already morning.

Izuku really is amazing. He was able to put my worries to rest, just like that.

It was then that you remembered you were actually going to make it to the shopping district today, and the excitement had you jumping out of bed right away. Thankfully, Inko already had breakfast ready, and after calling out to him, a drowsy and yawning Izuku greeted you at the dining table.

You shoveled your food down so quickly that you nearly choked on it. You just couldn't wait to see more of what this world had to offer.

"Wow! So, this is the shopping district...?"

It was so much bigger than you'd been expecting. Your eyes were glossy and wide as you took in the sight before you. Granted, you'd grown up in a castle, but back in your world, there was no such thing as such a grand collection of stores. Most of them were rather small, either family-owned businesses or other private affairs, and there certainly weren't so many of them all in one place.

As always, there were people flocking about in throngs. That was another thing that was vastly different from what you were used to. So many people, nearly all the time. This world was far more densely populated, that much was for sure.

"You don't have these sorts of places back home, do you?" Izuku frowned. "Actually, you seem to be completely out of touch with modern technology, so I guess it makes sense. There's bound to be a lot of differences between our worlds."

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