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The next morning, I wake up feeling a little groggy. I didn't even know what time I went to sleep last night. How am I supposed to pay for tuition and rent plus send money to help out my family?

I rubbed my eyes and groaned loudly. Maybe Sandy can help me find a job. I picked up my phone, but to my surprise, there's an email for me from the surrogate app. Someone was actually interested in me being a surrogate.



Ms. Leah Davis

I'm Aaron Reed. I saw your profile on ThePerfectSurrogate, and I'm interested in your services. If you're still interested, I will leave my number below. Contact me to set up a meeting when you get this.

-Aaron Reed

Oh my god. Wait, why does his name sound so familiar? I quickly Google his name, and I almost shit my pants. He's the first child of Ginna and Jared Reed, the two best and most famous Hollywood producers and actors. His sister is Annabella Reed, a famous fashion designer who owned more than 10 different store branches all over the world. And then there was Aaron Reed. He was a child actor until one day he stopped and went into the hotel business. He owns a couple of restaurants and nightclubs, too, but they're really exclusive.

Woah. I didn't even know he was married he must be really private. I don't know if I can do this. I'd be carrying a billionaires baby.

I quickly called Sandy, almost panicking.

Sandy: Hey, what's up?

"I'm literally about to pass out." I said, panicking.

Sandy: woah girl chill. What's happening?

"So I made a profile on the app as a joke, and this guy reached out to me."

Sandy: awesome, so what's the problem?

"I searched him on Google. He is Aaron Reed. From the Reed family."

Sandy: no fucking way!

"Yes, way. I can't do it. Everyone would know."

Sandy: Not necessarily. A lot of these celebrities like their privacy unless they're Kardashians. Just ask him and his girlfriend or wife to keep your involvement private.

"I guess. But I still don't know.."

Sandy: Just meet with them. You don't have to agree, and you don't even know if you're hired. So just take the interview.

I sigh. "Yeah, I guess you're right.


I sit in my study, staring at the pictures of my little sister Gabby. She was only five when she passed away from cancer. I went to all of her doctors appointments and made sure she was well taken care of since my parents were too busy. Looking at her pictures always brings back a flood of memories and emotions. Gabby was my lifeline. Taking care of her was the highlight of my day. I don't talk about Gabby because it hurts.

I'm an asshole. I know I'm an asshole I'm not gentle or sweet, but Gabby and Ava were the only people who seemed to think of me as human.

Ava, my ex fiance, helped me through my grief after Gabby passed away. With Ava, everything was pure passion. The way she made me feel was amazing. I ended up proposing, and she said yes, but the next day, she left. After that, I decided that I'd stay on my own, but lately, that hasn't been working for me. It's why I decided to hire a surrogate. I don't want a relationship. I simply want more from my life.

Just then, my phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. Unknown caller. I answered my phone and pressed it to my ear.

"Aaron Reed speaking." I say.

"Um, hello. I'm Leah Davis." The woman says.

The surrogate.

"Oh, right. From the app." I say.

Leah: "Y-yes. I um I wanted to ask when can we meet?"

"Can you be ready in an hour?"

Leah: "Oh yeah, sure, I can. Where are we meeting?"

"Send me your location. I'll send a car."

I quickly end the call and pet the head of my German shepherd, Leo. Leo was always by my side except if I was at work. He didn't let anyone get too close to me and obeyed my every command.

"It's now or never boy." I said to him, then got up.


After Aaron ends the call, I stare at my phone. I just sent him my address, and now all I have to do is wait and get ready.

Am I really going to do this?

I then get up and stretch my arms and feet. Could I really be a surrogate? Look, I'm not one of these girls who save themselves for someone, 'special.' I'm a virgin because I just never found anyone I was really attracted to. Plus, I was too busy with school anyway. I'm a woman. Not a girl. I've masturbated. I've kissed guys. I've had a boyfriend before. I just never got to the sex part.

Yes. I would like to have sex one day, and on that day, it will be no different from any other day. I don't really value my virginity, but I'm not about to go sleep around with any and everyone. What I wasn't sure about was pregnancy.

I'd be not only caring for myself, but I'd be caring for a baby while it's inside me. I fully intend to hide my pregnancy from my family, which shouldn't be too hard.

I walk into the bathroom and pick up my vibrating toothbrush, and apply some toothpaste to it. I stare at myself while I brush my teeth. What do you even wear to a surrogate interview?

After I brush my teeth, I step into the shower and let the water fall down my smooth skin. I was nervous. Maybe being a surrogate won't be so bad. All I have to do is carry a baby for nine months and hand it over. But until then, I still have to find a way to pay my rent by the end of the week.

After I get out of the shower, dry myself off, then wrap my towel around. I checked my phone, and there's another text from Aaron.

Aaron: My driver will be there in ten minutes.

Oh shit.

I quickly ramage through my clothes and finally settle on jeans and a blouse.

Fifteen minutes later, I got another text from Aaron telling me the driver was outside. How rich is this guy? I threw on a pair of my best flats and ran out the door.

My jaw nearly dropped. There's a man in a black suit standing next to a limousine.

"Woah." I say as I approach.

"Ms Leah Davis?" He man asked.

"Y-yes. That's me." I answer.

"I'm Mario." He says firmly and opens the door for me. "Mr Reed awaits you at his mansion."

A mansion? Holy fuck. I wonder who his wife is.

I take a deep breath and get in... here goes nothing..


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